Her hair flies at the tune of the music that The wind plays and when it does, The enslaving fragrance of the mogra, that is tied on her hair lingers in the air when she passes by.
Her searching eyes follow all the radiant elements of the Earth and makes her feel delighted.
She looks at the Blue sky to learn that it has turned grey.
It is that very communique from her lord that she once and again longs for.
At vast spread lands of dew drenched green grass, surrounded by snow clad, frozen mountains, she runs with solace to her favorite spot, besides the Holy pond.
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She splashes the fresh virgin water from the pond, on her angelic face and lets the wind do the rest, with closed eyes.
She chooses to keep her eyes secured for a little more time, and her mind glides away inside herself, deep Inside herself till it reaches her soul.
She feels enchanted at this very point and opens her eyes in bliss.
She smiles.
She smiles and looks above as she feels the chaste drops of water falling on her face from the sky.
She gets wild and joyous as she hears the Thunder.
Yes, in no time it’s a thunderstorm!
There is no thing in the world that makes her feel any more enthralled and enraptured.
The sky, the rains, the mountains—all these get together to hypnotize her soul.
That energy bustling inside her that she feels, when she sees herself all alone besides the holy pond at the vast spread land of dew drenched green grass, with a border of mountains, below the grey sky blended with purple and orange colors, the roaring sound of thunder that she believes is the lord, and raindrops dropping from the sky towards her.
The drops touch her and she feels them, she dances alone in the rain.
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