June 5, 2014

How to Make Love to a Gemini Goddess.

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We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle. ~ Marilyn Monroe

Seduce her.

She is verbal. Talk to her.  She thrives on communication. Tell her how you feel, what you see, what you remember, how you felt when… Mean it.

She is fickle but not disloyal; respect that.

She is a complex and curious cat that can sometimes be cloudy and complicated and other times terrifically simple. She is multifaceted—strong and tender, smart and naive, creative and sensitive.

She is an extrovert—the dazzling dinner party hostess or dashing guest, sometimes. She is also an introvert—curled up on the couch with dog-eared paperbacks, and eight tabs open on her laptop and in pajamas all day, sometimes. Roll with it.

When you’re with her, be with her. Turn off distractions. Turn your attention to her, and you’ll turn her on like a lamp.

Whether eating, talking, hiking, driving or lovemaking, be there with your whole self. Let go of everything else. Be a whole to match her wholeness.

She doesn’t need you, she wants you. So show up. Be yourself. Your humility, humor and confidence will win her over, every day. Except when it doesn’t. She can be mighty feisty and unpredictable.

Give her her space, and take time to cultivate your own passions and friendships. Independence is sexy.

This Gemini goddess is sensual, soulful and sensitive. She listens to the melodies of sentences, tastes the dewdrops of the moment, stares at the sunset and moonrise with fresh gratitude. She touches your forearm ever so lightly.

She caresses your skin in a way that seems mindless, but she’s actually acutely aware of every micro movement of her fingers and yours.

Go slow. Savor the hugs and kisses.

Give her a massage made delicious with devotion.

Go fast, faster. Under the stars, on the coffee table, in the parked car. Be surprising. Spontaneity is spicy, and she loves picante. Plans are nice and all but way overrated.

Cook for your Gemini and be fed by her. The way to her heart is through her mind. Expand your vocabulary. Visit exotic places. Be willing to travel. Be open to adventure at home and abroad.

Be voracious. Love her truly and deeply. Write it, sing it, say it, show it.

This goddess is with it and worth it.

Bonus: Check out Rob Brezny’s Free Will Astrology Gemini horoscope for this week.

“In Marcel Proust’s novel Swann’s Way, the narrator speaks of how profoundly he is inspired by an older writer named Bergotte:

‘Each time he talked about something whose beauty had until then been hidden from me, about pine forests, about hail, about Notre-Dame Cathedral . . . with one image he would make that beauty explode into me.’

I bring this to your attention, Gemini, because in the coming days I suspect a great deal of beauty will explode into you. Why? I think it’s because you’re more receptive than usual to being delighted and enchanted.

The triggers could be anything: exciting people, eavesdropped conversations, good books, surprising music, and who knows what else?” 



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Editor: Travis May

Photo Credit: Flickr

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