July 14, 2014

A Prayer of Promise, Written With Love.


I promise to live a life I am proud of.

To let love and compassion guide me towards the people that will bring my smile to life; to let courage and faith lead me to the places that will inspire creativity and growth; to let intuition and vulnerability be my greatest of teachers, opening my world to a radiant light of endless possibility.

I promise to take care of myself- physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

To let my body stay nourished by taking the time to fully acknowledge what I need; to let my heart be open by never giving up on the concept of all-encompassing love; to let my thoughts and my decisions serve me by trusting that I am in control of my own life and no one is going to live for me; to let my soul shine so that I am awake to my own existence; to be alive, while living.

I promise to let passion drive me in everything and everyone I am involved with.

To let fear of the unknown be as it is in order to embrace all that could be; to let my heart talk louder than my own thoughts; to let vulnerability always be a visible state of emotional strength and wisdom; to let myself take off; to jump, to fall, to land—and to start over again.

I promise to always stay a student even as I grow as a teacher.

To let curiosity drive me; to let myself live in the questions instead of constantly seeking the answers; to let my dreams unfold into realities by getting out of my own way.

I promise in difficult moments to consistently remind myself of these promises.

To honor my word; to commit to my commitments; to trust that my heart will only lead me down paths I am meant to walk.

I promise.


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Editor: Travis May

Photo: Wiki Commons

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