July 28, 2014

Do Some Soul Cleaning.

Bansky street cleaner - Chalk Farm

Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean. ~ Goethe

We’re all aware of the phenomenon of spring cleaning.

It signifies a fresh start for the promise of a new, warmer season.

Everything comes to life! Spring is a tender season. It’s vulnerable to the last lash of winter. Sometimes there’s that unforgiving dump of snow on early crocus buds, and yet the buds still push forward with their song of new life.

We can take the metaphor of spring cleaning and apply it to the Right Now, regardless of the season.

We humans are a lot like crocuses.

We’re connected to nature’s rhythm. We know there’s something we have to offer the world, a higher calling, a better person we could be. We’re eager to push toward the sky and bloom.

But we’re not quite able to find the time, motivation or perfect moment to make that blossom happen.

We feel dumped on by life: stuck in a job we don’t like very much, trapped in an unhealthy relationship, struggling to find scraps of joy in the doldrums of routine…

What we often forget is that we are in control of our lives. One of the many blessings of being human is that we can reinvent ourselves whenever we want.

I invite you to do some soul-cleaning this month.

Take a look at what’s working for you and what isn’t. Make a list of each. Choose one thing a week that you will eliminate from your life that is holding you back from being the person you want to be. Be realistic.

Know what you can change: No more negative self-talk, for example. That can stop now. Right now. Like, by the time you stop reading this article.

Know what you can’t: You may need to stick with that not-so-great job for a while longer, but you can start looking for a new one. Be gentle with yourself, but be a strong advocate of your own well being.

The same deep knowing that springtime has—new life must come forth; the bitterness of winter will end—you also carry within you all year long. You are designed to succeed. It’s up to you to nurture whatever will make you the very best you can be, and get rid of the rest.

So, shove your crocus self right through that snow pile of life and burst into color.



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Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Flickr

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