July 14, 2014

The Best Relationship to Satisfy Our Every Need & Desire. ~ Ashleigh Hitchcock

man's best friend

I have a dog.

I don’t need popularity or a full social schedule.

I have a dog. To hang out with.

I don’t need to spend precious time and money with online dating.

I have a dog. To kiss me a lot.

I don’t need a gym membership.

I have a dog. To take on a walk or hike.

I don’t need to watch a funny movie.

I have a dog. She makes me smile and laugh.

I don’t need a cheerleading section.

I have a dog. She is my most devoted fan!

I come from a long line of animal rescuers. My folks and siblings take in an abundance of stray pets. They are kind and generous. What they actually are is smart—pets enrich our lives and make us better people.

“We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment.”

~ George Eliot

Before I rescued a dog, my life lacked discipline and structure. I had a hole in my soul that I would fill with useless activity. My dog brings out the best in me. Now, my life is all about responsibility and accountability—being focused is a pleasure instead of a burden.

I don’t need a dinner guest, to motivate me to cook a meal.

I have a dog. To prepare a meal with, twice a day.

I don’t need a shrink.

I have a dog. She is a careful listener and always understands me.

I don’t need a boyfriend.

I have a dog. To snuggle in bed with every night.

I don’t need a doctor.

I have a dog to lick my wounds.

My dog is my barometer. She keeps me in line. She is sensitive and reminds me, loud and clear, who to associate with. She has a preference for fellow dog owners.

I trust my dog. And she trusts me. Her big, brown eyes always remind me that I am reliable.

Lonely and boredom are no longer in my vocabulary.

I have a dog. She’s my best friend.



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Editor: Travis May

Photos: used with permission from John Zeising



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