“Though it may be necessary at times to defend our people, war is a sickness that must be cured. War is a time out of balance. When it is truly over, we must work to restore peace and sacred harmony once again.”
~ Joseph Bruchac, Code Talker
When asked his thoughts on the recent crisis between Israel and Gaza, His Holiness the Dalai Lama offered, “(It’s) unthinkable. All major religious traditions—Islam, Christianity, Hindu, of course, Jainism and Buddhism—teach us the practice of compassion, love, forgiveness, tolerance. So then a person who believes in certain faith, why do you involve in such violence? It is really very, very sad.”
My darlings, irrespective of our faith, our beliefs, our political difference, we are still joined together in this fabric of humanity. The violence committed is not an act against one, but rather an act against all human beings.
But, perhaps more important than anything else—violence is the acid which erodes humanity’s foundation.
And though we may not be able to resolve this sadness in Gaza, perhaps, in our actions each day: of patience, of love, and an outwardly engaged compassion, we might begin to affect a positive impact.
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We are one world, one heart, my darlings, and, it all starts with you.
Through the smallest of actions, indeed we can make those much bigger changes.
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Editor: Travis May
Image: Author’s Own
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