September 9, 2014

Join elephant journal’s Social Media Apprenticeship Program.

Every four months, we take on a new trouble-making crew of would-be social media troublemakers.

Want to spend the Fall (September 15th—January 15th) learning social media, and writing? Apply to join elephant’s Apprenticeship Training Program.

Like flaking? Flake off.

Still interested after reading the below?

Email [email protected] asap, as in now, present moment, with “APPRENTICE in ALL CAPS in the subject bar by 12pm MST, Friday September 12th 2014. (No exceptions! Seriously, seriously, seriously.) 

elephantjournal.com’s Apprenticeship Program

Writing / New Media Ethics / Social Media

Interested in growing a community?

Then we want you. Maybe.

Every four months, we work with a new crew of elephant readers and writers who are self-starters, inquisitive learners, open communicators, respect the written word and are viscerally inspired by elephant’s mission: bringing together all those working (and playing) to create enlightened society.

Work with a community of like-minded apprentices from all over the world, as well as elephant’s team of editors.

We’ll train the hell out of you and send you a calligraphed, eco-printed “Certificate of Editorial Apprenticeship” upon completion of your four-month free* training program. *Deposit required.

Note: this is a free training program. We offer you our time and care. It’s fun, and there’s no “busy work” that is extraneous to our duty to train you in social media, new media, journalism ethics and blogging.

Having won numerous national awards (#1 in US on twitter, twice, for #green coverage, among many others), and with 8.8 million readers a month and counting, apprenticing with elephant is a nice feather in your career cap.


The Elephant Social Media Apprentice Certificate Training Program:

1. You’ll be trained to share via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and the like).

2. You’ll put together one original weekly blog post. Can be a share of a video, or an original poem, artwork, article.

3. You will take on one or two elephant journal focus areas (Green, Adventure, Wellness, Enlightened Education, Ecofashion, Food, Bicycling, Politics, Culture etc.—we cover all aspects of the mindful life).

4. Your apprenticeship will be 12-15 hours a week with a commitment of four months (upon successful completion you can apply to continue as a paid Assistant Editor).

5. You will attend an optional (just kidding) one hour weekly meeting (time and day tk), which includes training, peer edits and random harangues by elephant founder Waylon Lewis or our team of passionate editors.

6. You must have a reliable connection to the internet and access to a computer on a regular basis.

7. We have fun and laugh a lot, but we also take our work seriously. We have a one strike policy: (we are not here to work with one-foot-in one-foot-outers). One strike is not two strikes.

8. If interested in joining our free training program, we require a US $100 refundable deposit. Deposit is lost (at our discretion) if at any time we do not feel our investment in you is worthwhile. That said, you get 100% of this deposit back in the first two weeks of the program if you decide we’re not for you; or upon successful completion of our four-month program. We do not keep deposits unless you flake after the two weeks.

Note: We used to offer these trainings for free, but there was a flake factor. So, yes, now we ask for a nominal fee–which has cut the flake factor to zero. We put a lot of time and training and love into those who join, and have no interest in this being a busy-work internship. This is a practical training program.


Still interested? Send a (brief) cover letter (and resume, optional) explaining why you’d be a good fit to editorial [at] elephantjournal [dot] com.

(If you don’t hear back from us, feel free to nag us. That said, we do have limited spaces: if our team is full, we’d still be honored to invite you to contribute to elephant: elephantjournal.com/submit.)

Yours in the Vision of Enlightened Society,

Waylon Lewis

elephant tote

Info from Facebook:

Call for new Apprentices: Training Session beginning now. elephantjournal.com. You can be anywhere.

Join elephant journal’s free Fall Social Media Apprenticeship. There are 30 spaces open as of now for our four month new media fall apprenticeship: four months, from September 20 – January 20. Learn social media, train with elephant’s staff! You will receive training in the field in Stumbleupon, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest or this thing called Facebook. You can apply to host a focus page: Elephant Bicycle. Elephant Adventure Elephant House & Home Elephant Green The Mindful Life Daily Wake Up Call Elephant Family: Children & Parenting Conscious Consumerism Elephant Yoga Elephant Meditation Elephant Buddhadharma Elephant Recipes Animals are People Too Elephant Vegetarian & Vegan Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis Enlightened Society Elephant Culture Elephant Ecofashion Elephant Love: Loneliness, Dating & Relationships Elephant Radio or others…and work to build that community up by sharing inspiring quotes, appropriately-sourced images and elephant articles that you connect with. This is a training program, not an internship or volunteer position. Deposit: $100, which is refunded upon completion. You will meet on skype chat with Waylon Lewis or our editors once a week and, through two online groups, be able to ask questions, get guidance, share tips, and enjoy community with your fellow apprentices.

Email: Emily Bartran at [email protected] with APPRENTICE in subject bar, paragraph about yourself and why you’re interested, listing any relephant experience and confirm your availability 12-15 hours a week.

Get a fancy certificate of new media completion to hang on your wall, and recommendations if you deserve them—we’ve got jobs for many of our interns and apprentices in the past. Flakes need not apply: save your time and ours. You need a computer, wifi, and an enthusiasm for learning, growing, communication & sharing the mindful life beyond the choir.

Elephant is an independent journal dedicated to the mindful life. We pay our best writers and editors thanks to our most devoted readers. We are ad-light (very) and will never sell out to The Man. We focus on anything that helps us to live a good life that’s good for others, and our planet. Voted #1 in the US for #green on twitter, twice, with a million facebook fans total and 8.8 million sessions a month (google analytics).

elephantjournaldotcom is your guide to what we like to call ‘the mindful life’: yoga, organics, sustainability, genuine spirituality, conscious consumerism, fair fashion, the contemplative arts…anything that helps us to live a good life that also happens to be good for others, and our planet.


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