December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve Yoga for Santa Claus. {Video}

Dear Santa,

Every year you deliver amazing gifts all over the world. You inspire kindness and joy and make billions of people smile and put aside their problems for a few days so they can turn their attention to the good things in their lives.

You do so much for the world. Please enjoy this gift from me to you:

I know you’re super busy, Santa, so if you don’t have time to watch the video here are some poses you can do before, during, and after your all-nighter:

Forward Fold: Begin by inhaling the arms all the way up and then exhale folding over the legs. Move at a pace that’s comfortable, staying with the breath. This will help focus the mind and energize the body, perfect for just before you climb into the sleigh! Let worries melt away and focus on your intentions.

Tree Pose: Maybe pop up into a tree pose, with a cookie in one hand and a glass of milk in the other!

Squat Pose: Be sure to twist. Place the left hand down and twist the right arm open, spinning open the belly. Then do the other side. All kinds of twisting will help your digestion after enjoying all those cookies.

Boat Pose Lower Lifts: To help get rid of that cookie weight gain! Sitting on the floor, lengthen the back and lift the feet off the floor. Then, extend the legs and lower halfway down. Inhale and lift back up to boat pose. This works the core and will help with the holiday weight gain. Do this in front of the TV: it can be done anywhere!

Thank you for everything, Santa.

The greatest gift of all this holiday season is Hope. Joy. Presence. You inspire all of this and I hope this video brings a smile to your rosey face.



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Author: Stacy Porter

Editor: Renée Picard 

Photo: courtesy of the author 

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