December 8, 2014

Life is a Canvas & Moments are Masterpieces.



I’m not creative, you say.

I’m not artistic, you say.

I can’t make anything beautiful, you say.


You don’t have to, I say.

Life will do that for you, I say.




Your life is your canvas.

Your moments are masterpieces.

And don’t you forget it.


Yes, life is pain.

We all f*cking know that.

But, life is also art.


More than anything

In this troubled world

We must remember that

Life is art.




Let us paint slowly

And with great joy.


Let us paint recklessly

And with great passion.


Let us paint quietly

And with great precision.


Let us paint fiercely

And with our whole hearts.


Let us paint.



Let us



Because your life is your canvas.

Your moments are masterpieces.

And don’t you forget it.



With the empty excuses

And pathetic attempts

To explain away and extinguish

That creative spark in your soul.



With the vapid amusements

To distract you

From the sacred beauty left lifeless

Within your wanting heart.


Enough already.




Let’s force our shy, starving hearts out of hiding.

Let’s unbind our spirits from the painful chains of repression.

Let’s fling our wild souls in the forest and let them frolic forever.


Let’s f*cking live boldly.


Let’s build a life that

Makes our hearts smile

Rather than weep.


Because smiling hearts a better world do make.


And, after all,

Your life is your canvas.

Your moments are masterpieces.

Don’t you forget it.


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Author: Sarah Harvey

Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Tim Snell at Flickr 

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