January 21, 2015

A Not So Terrifying Neti-Pot Practice.


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What could be more terrifying than reading some of these Elephant Journal Neti-Pot articles?

One sounds like a water boarding horror story and the other talks about death by amoebas.

But what about the boring stories about how many people practice this simple, peaceful cleansing ritual without choking on their spit or using bad water?

A Neti-Pot practice doesn’t have to be intimidating.

There aren’t a lot of bells or whistles in this article. Just bland, useful information on how to successfully clear your head and sinus passages. This one goes out to the Neti-Potters everywhere that cleanse without drama. I salute you.

Neti-Pots have been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine to alleviate allergy and sinus problems.

Since then, very few people out of the masses that have practiced it, have had negative experiences. Using pure water is important in not getting brain amoebas like the article above. Keep reading.

I’ve never really considered myself one that battles nasal issues but someone told me a few years ago that a Neti-Pot rinse can help speed up the healing process of a cold.

I began to practice it when I was feeling down, and I believe it helps a lot, in fact I even recommend it!

It wasn’t long before I began to implement Neti-Potting into my daily ritual before my morning pranayama (breathing exercises) and yoga practice. My head began to feel so much clearer. I rarely get sick, and I can feel increased energy levels, which I attribute to higher oxygen levels. Every once in a while, I practice Neti-Pot in the evening if I feel stuffy.

Often, we do not receive the proper amount of oxygen while we are sleeping. Sleep apnea and a lack of oxygen can be connected to how our body restores and mends itself. Simply having less matter blocking the airway helps us breathe, sleep and heal better.

Here are instructions how to practice Neti-Pot.

Step 1: Remove the dramatic thoughts. Neti-Pot isn’t hard but it does take practice to establish a comfortable relationship with the practice.


½ cup of purified water (Warm but not hot.)

¼ tsp salt (Choose a natural type without iodine.)

¼ tsp baking soda

Step 2: Put all three ingredients in the Neti-Pot and stir around with your finger making sure the temperature isn’t too hot until salt is dissolved.

Step 3: Insert spout into nostrils and relax the face muscles allowing the stream of saline water to flow freely into one nostril and out of the other into the sink.

Step 4: Blow your nose between alternating nostril sides a few times.

Sometimes people experience more drainage in the minutes following nasal rinsing. If possible, spit or blow this out instead of swallowing it.

I love implementing this Neti-Pot cleansing practice as a part of my daily ritual; I happily report that I haven’t drowned or caught an amoeba yet!

If I skip it, I feel cloudy, clustered and like I can’t breathe.

Have you tried it?! Drama or no drama? Write your experience below! What other rituals do you practice for keeping well? Post in the comments!




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Author: Matilda Juliette

Apprentice Editor: Bria Luu/Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Author’s Own

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Matilda Juliette