January 24, 2015

Even a Monk Can Live In a Castle.


Where has our light gone?

Our desire to jump out of bed with something to share with the world?

That spark we felt as children when every day held unimaginable promise?

When we were little, still fresh from the Other Side, we were connected to a live feed of creativity and inspiration by intuition and remembering. That’s right, remembering what we knew in other lives, in other dimensions, other planes of existence.

The amount of walking dead on our planet is simply astonishing, and they’re easy to spot; it’s in their body language, their disenchanted looks and their slow, defeated gait.

It’s difficult to give to others when one has nothing to feed on from within. Perhaps the best place to look for the kind of inspiration that will help us lead visionary lives is at our own doorstep.

Our castle, no matter how humble, is the place where we should be able to feed the inner Creator.

When our personal space is a well to draw from, our outer space expands. Here are a few simple tips to finding inner and outer sanctum, and the inspiration for styling your abode.

1. You know what inspires you, you’ve just forgotten.

Don’t shake your head in denial. The key to unlocking that door is found in silence. I don’t mean to shout about silence, but it’s so obvious that we can’t hear it. You don’t even have to call it meditation. Forget about being good at it initially. Everything takes practice. Like finding your g-spot, patience has its rewards.

And silence is the key to pretty much everything.

Spend some time each day in silence. If you can’t be still, go for an introspective walk….sans mobile phone. Tap in to the One who has been through centuries of experience, who has seen countless sunsets, has lived lives of abandon. In the depths of silence, lies the magic of your being. Remembering, discovering…these things happen when we are dis-engaged from our conscious mind.

2. Start with color.

You might instinctively know which colors you can’t live without. For me, it’s yellow and red. My lower chakras need support, and every place that I live, the first thing I do is paint the walls a very specific shade of deep gold/yellow, then accent the room with red. And yes, that red is also of a particular shade, and none other will do.

I’m immediately fed, cradled, soothed, inspired. Don’t worry if the color you choose is not part of this year’s fashion palette. This is about you.

3. Go to nature.

Clues to what makes you tick, what fires your furnace, can be picked up from natural materials. Stones, trees, plants, sand, earth, decaying leaves on the forest floor can all serve as sparks to your consciousness. These sentient beings will and do speak to us, all we have to do is listen with our inner ear. Again…silence. Once you open up to the idea of information flow from nature, inspiration will follow.

4. Upload information from places of ancient energy.

Barbara Marciniak writes in her book “EARTH” Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library, that we (the “we” that was part of ancient civilizations) deposited information in the bones of the earth for later use. The bones of the earth are stones. Now, not everyone is able or wants to travel around to ancient stone circle sites or Mayan temples. And that’s okay, because you can get there by meditation or even astral travel while you sleep. And don’t tell me that you don’t astral travel, we all do. Most of us spend the whole night bumping around this world or that world, doing who knows what, in our alternate hyper conscious state. So it’s simply a matter of deciding before you go to sleep where you would like to visit.

I’m not kidding.

5. Keep it simple, or not.

Your castle can be nothing more than the colors you’ve chosen, a collection of crystals, some pillows and plants and be richer in gifts to your soul than a King’s quarters. Personally, I’d add books to that list because sleeping in the company of books is heaven. And music of your own someone else’s making. It’s your well, dig it as shallow or as deep as you wish. What inspires you, what feeds you, is yours to discover and build upon.

Most importantly, when you step through the door of your sanctuary, your spirit should awaken to dreams that you ache to share with the world.

And may your inspiration flow like a river to all those who are thirsty.


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Author: Monika Carless

Volunteer Editor: Kim Haas / Editor: Travis May

Image: Wikipedia

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