February 16, 2015

Dear Soulmate, I Love You Because…



Dear Darling,

I could write forever of all the reasons why I love you. Though here are just a few…

I love you because we were two lone wolves who together created a pack.

I love you because your adventure is found through a kaleidoscope’s lens.

I love you because you are with me more so when I’m alone.

I love you because when I look in your eyes, I see who you are, were and yet to become.

I love you because your world is not you; it is all and nothing at once.

I love you because your voice is alive in my veins.

I love you because you’re a saint not afraid to sin.

I love you because your complexities mix with mine.

I love you because your chaos and peace reign as one.

I love you because imperfection is precious to you.

I love you because we’re in a snow globe, that often gets shook.

I love you because our love does not hold nor need holding.

I love you because you showed me free falling lands on trust.

I love you because this will never be tamed.

I love you because your wires make cute crosses with mine.

I love you because our silence speaks clearer than words.

I love you because our love is not fantasy, fairytale, escapism nor illusion.

I love you because we created energy that cannot be destroyed.

I love you because it is impossibly impossible not to.

I love you because and because and because…

I did not search for you, nor you for me. We happened. It cannot be explained and we will never ask of it questions.

However, one day, someone, somewhere in a far distant time will look back upon us, upon our love, and ask, “Why, how, did they love in such a peculiar way?” We will be dissected on a medical table and the answers will be sought. Though they will never be found.


When I Say I Love You, This is What I Mean.



Author: Alex Myles

Editor: Travis May

Image: Wikipedia

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