February 25, 2015

Feeling Down about Life? Cheer up in 2.5 Minutes—Guaranteed. {Music Video}


When the going gets tough, the tough watch funny videos online.

I rarely write blogs posts about videos, because I don’t watch that many videos due to my excruciatingly slow internet down here in Central America.

However, the other day I was visiting my awesome Canadian next-door neighbors with fast internet, and they showed me this video of some young American guys lip-synching to the classic song, “Duke of Earl.”

It made me smile and laugh. It made me so happy to see that (some) young people still appreciate this song.

So, if you’re feeling down in the dumps because of all the bad news in the media or due to relationship trouble or financial woes or are consumed by whatever other worries, please take two and a half minutes to watch this. It will cheer you up, I guarantee it.

Bonus points for singing along.



 Author: Michelle Margaret Fajkus

Editor: Travis May

Photo:  YouTube Still

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