February 9, 2015

With Chris Brown in the audience, President Obama gave this stirring message to the Grammys.

domestic abuse beat up rihanna violence "chris brown"

Rape. Domestic Violence. Abuse. Date Rape.

Let’s support those who go through it, and end tolerance for those who perpetuate it—whether directly or through their example.

One note: so much music pushes a hyper-sexualized female on young viewers—and many of those oversexualized women are stars.

#ItsOnUs #50dollarsnot50shades

domestic abuse obama grammy's

For more:

This review of Chris Brown’s latest album gets five stars.

This is amazing:

This is worth re-sharing today.

Most importantly:

Date Rape, Rape, Sexual Assault is all too common. Resources: how to stay Safe.

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