March 29, 2015

What if Our Facebook Status Reflected How we Really Feel?


Warning: naughty language ahead. 

What if we scrolled through news feeds full of truth, not just fluffy superficial shit?

What would that feel like?

‘Cause let’s be honest, we all thumb through pretty sunset quote pictures and sappy status updates and scandalous celebrity gossip, savoring it as we would a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream on a lonely Friday night.

It can feel naughty and fun.

But, it can also feel extremely empty and isolating. Maybe it even tempts us to play dangerous comparison games, inviting our so-called friend envy and his jaded cousin, jealousy, over for probably-poisoned drinks.

But—isn’t social media meant to foster connection and conversation, rather than comparison?

Maybe, maybe not.

Could it be more real?

I think so.

Today, I felt like updating my Facebook status, so I searched my soul for juicy, inspiring pep-talk type things—but I came up empty handed.


Because I was not feeling inspired, at all.  I was tired and cranky.

So, I posted this:

“I don’t have a inspirational quote or upbeat tidbit or exciting announcement that it seems social media is designed for. Instead, I just feel like being honest.

I’m tired, grumpy, irritable, unfocused, in need of silence and a glass of wine.

How do you feel today, for real?”

I felt a little shaky and shy as I pressed post, but I did it anyway.

The response amazed me.

People eagerly wrote in, vulnerably sharing how they were feeling. Some were struggling, some were enjoying the day, some were feeling tired or depressed or angry.

I heard them, and they heard me. This is what real, raw connection can feel like—yes, even on social media. It was pretty fucking beautiful.

So, I ask you, if your Facebook status reflected what you’re feeling, what would it say?

What would you share?

Share it. Share it online and in every facet of your life. Because what we all need—more than anything else—is to be reminded of the imperfect, chaotic deliciousness of being human.

This is what fosters real connection.

Take off your soul’s shirt and bare your trembling emotions for all to see. Ask others how they’re feeling, for real. Start a dialogue.

We don’t need to hide behind false happiness or pseudo-excitement or pretty leopard print facades anymore.


Let’s go deeper.

The world desperately needs our raw, pulsating realness.

Share your gorgeous hearts, my friends, whether they’re lamenting or hurting or singing joyous tunes.

Share it all.



Please Don’t Envy Me: The Facebook Status Everyone Should Read.


Author: Sarah Harvey

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: FlickrJurgen Appelo


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