April 4, 2015

Jyotish Horoscopes for the Waning Moon Cycle. {April 4th to 18th}

moon woman

*Vedic Astrology, or Jyotish, is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and considered a relative of astronomy. It is an important and valuable part of the ancient Vedic texts. This complex, logic-based, and also intuitive science, has survived thousands of years in India’s Vedic tradition and is still considered a highly valuable tool of guidance and life insight. It is not a religion, but rather a philosophical understanding of human and cosmic existence. In Sanskrit, Jyoti means light. Essentially, the study of jyotish is the study of light and how we interact with the cosmic light- within us and within the cosmos. Vedic astrology, or the sidereal approach to astrology, casts charts differently than Western, or Tropical astrology. The meanings, implications, and purpose of jyotish is therefor different, as are the details used for prediction and the indications given below.

Horoscopes for the Waning Moon Cycle {April 4th to 18th}

Themes of deep transformation continue thanks to Saturn’s retrograde motion through Scorpio with the re-structuring effects of Ketu‘s transit through Pisces as well. Expect awareness and changes that connect to endings, release and letting go. Sun continues to touch Ketu as he moves through Pisces (endings) and then into Aries (beginnings), on April 14th.

We may feel our egos and sense of self getting reformatted as immense changes from inside out continue. Look for themes surfacing that have to do with power, personal empowerment and authority in the coming cycle.

The delicate gap between Pisces and Aries opens up once again as Mercury moves out of its debilitation in Pisces and into Aries on the 11th. This gap opens yet again when Sun moves out of Pisces and into its sign of exaltation, Aries, on the 14th. This gandanta (gap) is particularly challenging, signifying deep inner change, while ushering in insights and support from higher realms. Multiple parts of ourselves are going through upheaval and release right now.

Be willing to let old parts of yourself get burned, purified and released as this is a time of alchemical changes.

Venus moves to his own sign of Taurus on April sixth, helping us find more stability with relationships, creativity, manifestation and abundance. Use the pelvis very intentionally to gain deeper insights with your needs.

Timing is everything. Make a fresh start and take powerful action steps aligned with Nature. Are you working with her cycles or against them? Use my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar to help you align your actions, intentions and goals with the cosmos.

*Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart.

Aries: It’s time to take charge of your life in bold and powerful ways. Do not take no for an answer. In other words, don’t take fear as an answer. It isn’t one. Though it will still be present, take action steps anyway. You are more powerful than the dark clouds and doubts. There are some very important moments coming as you embrace your power more fully. Nourishment and support are yours. Play big or go home!

Taurus: A new sense of stability and support arrives for you in the coming cycle- from the inside out. Notice what changes and releases have to happen in order for this new, inner structure to take form. Continue to courageously and creatively face your feelings and emotions as this is the territory that impedes the nourishment you desperately need and want. Your emotions will give you the clues. Dive in!

Gemini: The coming cycle helps you finally release and let go of some career pieces that are holding you back. Trust this letting go cycle as it affords you space to step forward in some very momentous and powerful ways. The endings are vital for the gains to come. A new sense of balance arrives in your body. Speak from your heart, find stability from your pelvis and feet, and let your stomach be the source of your power.

Cancer: Gains arrive as you submit to inner egoic change. As you do so, life opens up and reminds you how important it is to allow change and transformation into your life. Use your challenges and awakenings as a gift to share with others. Let the world into your process of enlightenment and upliftment. Show us a bit of your inner realms and vulnerability. Expect gains and improvements as a reward.

Leo: With all the deep transformations you’ve been undergoing, the coming cycle will bring some much needed relief. More nourishment, support and wisdom are on the way. Give yourself some rest time as this will be how you digest and assimilate the past weeks and months of change. Use the influences of joy and seriousness, fun and commitment, in order to find a new sense of balance in your life. A very strong time of dharmic change is coming. Get ready to move!

Virgo: I’d like to tell you that the pain of all the letting go is coming to a close, but in fact the full release has yet to begin. You’ve actually been in the preparatory phases. But this part of your process has been vital so that you can embrace the new cycle of power that is arriving. Get ready to purify, cleanse and transform inside out. A tiger is gently purring within you, but soon it will be roaring and shredding your inner darkness. Gather your support and your fire offerings.

Libra: The power is coming to you in your hips and pelvis and from head to tail. Roar like a lion and get comfortable with prowling. You are working through some old hurts and haunts right now. The support and stability can be found in your body, so don’t neglect this source of power and strength. As Sun moves to Aries, your hips will be unstoppable. Let the passion of life into your life and share it consciously with others. With so much heat moving through you, use this time as an opportunity to learn how to be more mindful with how you use your power.

Scorpio: Suddenly you can hear the messages coming to you in a new way, a more nourishing way. Stability and support are finding a recalibration point in you from head, through spine, into pelvis. Use these body parts to help you align from the inside, out. Trust your pelvis to guide you and support you. Recommit to your power and dynamism. Channel it to into your clients and through your gifts and services. There’s nothing you can’t accomplish. Don’t let the shadows keep you from moving forward. See and be seen.

Sagittarius: Home and heart have been getting shredded, restructured. This has prepared you for the coming cycle of passionate and powerful stirrings within you. How will you channel this fire? Where would you like to put your strengths and efforts? A new sense of balance is coming with your losses which offers some healing and support, a mending to your broken heart. Use your passion constructively. Now is a great time to start anew. Listen to you gut and watch over-indulgences.

Capricorn: The only way out is through. The only way through is with courage and creativity. As your ego and sense of self get restructured, take notes. What gives you your ability, your will and desire to move forward? Passion continues to build in your heart, but watch out for heart burn. Channel this heat effectively as romance and shakti flare. Keep moving towards the nourishment, the support, the vital stability you seek. Watch for mixed messages and smoke signals.

Aquarius: Do what you say and say what you do. Do what you feel and feel what you do. Share what you feel and offer what moves through you. Be courageous enough to be authentic and you can’t go wrong. Your courage and passion to do so increases in the coming weeks, but it’s important to watch the doubts that appear. Work consciously on these old themes as they have stopped you from achieving your greatness in the past. Now is your opportunity to move beyond the old haunts.

Pisces: You are the case study for us all right now Pisces. You’ve been getting cracked open raw and getting cut into a variety of pieces. With all this restructuring inside, finding your footing, a way to land, has been challenging. There’s more change on the way—but the kind that will support some integration and greater stability. Using your voice will be vital in order for you to get your needs met. You are learning how to express yourself more powerfully. Getting what you need requires that you know what you need, then you can ask for it.

Did you catch my *free* class Ultimate Self Care for Sensitive Types? You can still listen to it until April 8th. I’ve also just re-launched my Be Your Gift class series for those seeking deeper support for their sensitivity. If you’re ready to turn your sensitivity into your greatest gift, read this.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.

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Relephant Reads:

How to Make Love to an Aries Woman (or Man). {Adult}

While we’re at it:



Author: Saraswati J.

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: Pixoto


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