April 24, 2015

Mandatory Vaccines in California: What is Really Going On?

Vaccines California

The issue at play in the California vaccine debate is not whether vaccines have been safe and effective. It is a deeper, more hidden issue.

Let’s dive right in.

In 1986 vaccine manufacturers were given financial immunity from the damages of their products by congress. It took two years to set up the program and in 1988 the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program began.

This program is funded by a 75 cent levy on each vaccine sold. This program has paid out over three billion dollars on a few thousand claims, while many more have been denied.

The catch with this program is that it is “No fault.” This means that while the vaccine manufacturer pays into the fund, and the claimant draws from it, nobody goes on legal record saying, “The vaccine caused the injury.” Thus it can be said by a lawyer with a straight face, “No link has been established.”

At the time the court was established there were three vaccines on the CDC childhood vaccine schedule, containing seven pathogens. These were the MMR, the dTap and the oral polio vaccine.

As soon as the program was established and liability was eliminated, new vaccines were introduced. Since 1989, 11 new vaccines have been added to the schedule. There are now 35 shots of 14 vaccines containing dozens of pathogens. There are as many as 13 pathogens in one vaccine.

In the intervening 27 years pharmaceutical manufacturers have endured many lawsuits for their drug products. They are now shifting their focus from the development of “drugs” to the development of “vaccines.”

Drugs go through a more rigorous testing process. They are then optional for consumers and consumers and governments can sue pharmaceutical companies for damages caused by the drugs. Vaccines are subject to a less rigorous testing process, saving millions of dollars for each drug sold as a vaccine. They are then mandated by state governments for school entry, so that everybody must take them and advertising costs can be eliminated. Once the bills pass, lobbying expenses and the cost of convincing doctors to prescribe them will go down. And they are free of liability, so once the profit is made, nobody can claw it back.

At this writing, 48 of the 50 states of the union allow parents to opt out of vaccination for religious reasons.  Twenty allow parents to opt out for philosophical reasons. All states allow for medical exemptions but these are very difficult to get. Even if one meets the contraindications published by the manufacturer themselves, they are not eligible for a medical exemption.

Senate bill 277 would remove the philosophical and religious exemption options for parents. More sinister, it would tie California school vaccine schedules to bureaucratic process. Not only will parents and doctors no longer have a say in what vaccines are given and when, school officials and state legislators will also be removed from the decision making process.

This is not about vaccines for diseases like polio or measles. This is a decision to mandate all future vaccines as well. Where are the infectious epidemics that are killing our children? I don’t see them.

There are currently hundreds of drugs in development under the name “vaccines.” Not all of these will be put on the schedule, but many of them will be. And all school children in California will have to get all of them multiple times if SB 277 passes.

No state legislator, no school administrator, no doctor and no parent will be able to say no to any chemical mandated by the federal government to be injected into children, so long as it is packaged as a “vaccine.”

There is an online petition to repeal this horrible law.

Sign the petition: Repeal Immunity for Drug Companies Against Vaccine Injuries



7 Tips to Help Parents Decide about Vaccination.


Author: Elliott Freed

Editor: Travis May

Photo: sacbee.com

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