Dear River,
This mother’s day I would like to tell you how thankful I am to be your mommy. I don’t want you to tell me Happy Mother’s Day. Everyday for me is Mother’s Day. I am blessed. And people would think you should be the thankful one because I gave you life. And I know you are thankful. But what you have given me is much more. In giving you life, you gave me everything.
Thank you for refreshing me.
Thank you for showing me priorities.
Thank you for allowing me to shape your heart, mind and soul.
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Thank you for respecting me.
Thank you for testing me.
Thank you for teaching me things about life, that I never knew I didn’t know. Like patience. And unconditional love.
Thank you for adventuring with me.
Thank you for making me proud.
Thank you for making me laugh and cry with happiness.
Thank you for hugging me when I need it.
Thank you for showing me my inner strength.
Thank you for challenging me.
Thank you for butterfly kisses, sweet songs, giggles, amazing thoughts and words.
Thank you for trusting me and looking to me for guidance.
Thank you for telling me that I am beautiful.
Thank you for filling my heart and soul.
Thank you for sharing my dreams—and making them even better.
Thank you for journeying this life with me. By my side. Hand in hand. Heart in heart.
Thank you for showing me true happiness.
Thank you for loving me.
And thank you for being my best friend.
For mother’s day I don’t want to go to the spa to get away from you. I don’t want a drink from frustration over you. I don’t want a card or flowers or even a homemade gift.
I just want you. I want to watch you doing something that makes you happy, so that I can see the gleam in your eye, the sparkle glitter in your heart and sunshine in your soul ,that I have put there.
I have given you the drop, and you have made a rainbow. Thank you for being more than I ever imagined you could be. You are little piece of amazing. Please never change. I am honored to be your mommy.
How did I get so lucky?
Happy Mother’s Day to me.
Relephant Reads:
The Good Mother.
Author: Crystal Blue
Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock
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