May 3, 2015

May is for Metta.

Floating lanterns.

“Whatever living beings there may be;
Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none,
The great or the mighty, medium, short or small,
The seen and the unseen,
Those living near and far away,
Those born and to-be-born,
May all beings be at ease!”

~ The Metta Sutra

Metta means loving-kindness. It’s also a simple yet transformational practice of well-wishing taught by the Buddha.

It is a way of opening our hearts and letting love and kindness pour in for ourselves, our loved ones, our wider community members, the difficult people in our lives and ultimately all beings.

It may seem idealistic, silly or difficult at first, but with practice metta can transform your life. A daily dose of metta does a spirit good.

I’ve been practicing metta (not every day) for 11 years. I learned the ancient Buddhist practice from a New Yorker in a conference center in northern California. I’ve since read about it in books by the likes of Pema Chodron and the Dalai Lama.

Over the years, I have found metta to become second nature. I wish goodness for all. I do not wish harm upon anyone. I’m sure a lot of readers out there already know about metta, but are you practicing it regularly? Are you experiencing its value and benefits?

May has 31 days, so here are 31 daily aspirations to guide your metta meditation practice for the month. May they be of benefit!

1. May I be safe.

May I feel secure and grounded. May I feel a sense of belonging to the Earth. May I know who I am.

2. May I be happy.

May I be joyful. May I be content. May I live with bliss.

3. May I be healthy.

May my body be strong. May my mind be balanced. May I exude well-being.

4. May I be peaceful.

May I be calm. May I be patient. May I be loving.

5. May I live with ease.

May I relax. May I let go. May I just be.

6. May I be free.

May I be free from suffering. May I be free to be me. May I be liberated.

7. May you be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful and free.

Visualize a loved one and repeat each phrase to them in your mind’s eye.

8. May you be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful and free.

Visualize a neutral person whom you do not have strong feelings about and repeat each phrase to that person.

9. May you be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful and free.

Visualize a difficult person, someone with whom you are having a conflict, or even an “enemy,” and say the phrases to them. (This one may take a while before you can actually do it!)

10. May we be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful and free.

Repeat the wishes, visualizing yourself together with all your loved ones.

11. May we be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful and free.

Visualize yourself and your wider community.

12. May you be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful and free.

Visualize the light of your metta reaching out to shine upon all beings on Earth.

The remaining aspirations are wishes for all beings, including ourselves.

13. May all beings be safe.

14. May all beings be happy.

15. May all beings be healthy.

16. May all beings be peaceful.

17. May all beings be free.

18. May all beings feel strong & supported.

19. May all beings be loved & cared for.

20. May all beings breathe & relax.

21. May all beings go with the flow.

22. May all beings express our unique power.

23. May all beings open our hearts.

24. May all beings listen.

25. May all beings imagine.

26. May all beings connect with our intuition.

27. May all beings connect with our divine nature.

28. May we all love.

29. May we all share.

30. May we all serve.

31. May we all unite in peace and harmony.


Author: Michelle Margaret Fajkus

Editor: Evan Yerburgh

Photo: Flickr

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