May 29, 2015

This is How You’ll Know He’s the One. {Poem}

guy walking

He will linger in the last place you met
His mind racing, hands clenching
Eager for another taste of your lips

He’ll send you flowers because they remind him of your scent
Not the ones that you’d expect but the ones that
In their delicate form
Speak to him of the curve of your neck
And the feel of your hair sweeping across his chest

You’ll find his books intriguing
His mind an infinite ocean of dreams
You’d rather sit at his feet listening to his voice
Fall over you in waves of sensual notes
Than be anywhere else in the world

His eyes will swallow you in your entirety
Pulling you deep into his soul
His need for you a blatant confession
His mouth a decadence you cannot live without

His smile will charm you
Kidnap you and bind you to him
He’ll make it known that for you he’ll fall to his knees
At the smallest hint
Of your desire

Dreams of him will penetrate your waking hours
While you’re working
Or standing at the foot of your stairs
Hoping that he’ll be in your bed
That virile, intense look on his face
Ready to acquiesce to your demands
His nakedness your reward

He will call you right after he’s left you in the morning
To recount the things that you did
His words leaving a blush on your face
His tongue a memory you cannot erase

He will not falter when you speak of the future
But take your hand and hold you close
His manliness so very evident
In the confidence he has for the two of you

He’ll ignite you when he turns back to look at you
The minute you leave his side
His face so openly set to having all that he wants in life
And all that he wants is you
To live life to the fullest
To dream of the impossible
To be everything you can be
To love with urgency
To keep his heart while he keeps yours
To lie down with him while he cries out his love
To seek with him what makes the world go around
To leave him be when he needs to be alone
To come back to his arms when he craves your embrace

To know that he’s the one

Relephant bonus:


Author: Monika Carless

Editor: Evan Yerburgh

Image: Flickr

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