June 24, 2015

Sweat it Out! The Benefits of Sweat. {Infographic}


Many of us know that working out is good for us.

We run, we cycle, we do yoga. All those exercises come with great benefits for our muscles, bones, hearts and lungs. But did you know, it’s not just the cardio and the strength training that benefits us? It’s the sweat pouring off us while we do it too!

This awesome little inforgraphic explains some of the unexpected benefits of sweat, and also some interesting facts about it.

So, do men sweat and women glow? Read on to find out!

Source: Fix.com

Did you know that it isn’t your sweat that stinks, but the bacteria on your skin that grows after you sweat? I didn’t before reading the infographic.

But I do know some nice natural measures you can take to combat the body odor:

Coconut oil and baking soda mixed together to create a paste makes a wonderful, all natural and DIY deodorant. This is because the lauric acid in coconut oil kills the odor causing bacteria. That’s simple, right?

The fabrics you wear while exercising will also influence how much you sweat. Cotton and other natural fibers breathe more easily and let the moisture escape. Synthetic fabrics are more likely to trap moisture and heat and increase sweating.

Whether you’re sweating a lot or a little, remember to stay hydrated while you exercise!



Exactly how Exercising turns on our Happiness. {Infographic}

Author: Kathryn Muyskens

Editor: Travis May

Photo: freestockphotos.biz


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