The Menstrual Cup Changed My Life: 6 Reasons to Switch.
I’m a huge fan of the menstrual cup. Here are my top 5 reasons to switch over from Tampons which poison our body and our environment & cost crazy $$$.
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When I originally wrote this post a few days ago, I did not expect it to get so many views in a matter of hours.
Nor did I expect women to start mailing me asking me lots of questions about using a menstrual cup.
Most questions were basic and I realized that there was so much information that was missing!
It has been close to a year since I have been using the menstrual cup and let me say that it has changed my life. Tampons and disposable pads were the only options that were available in the market for feminine hygiene products. If were eco-friendly you could choose the cloth napkins that can be washed and reused.
Most of the mainstream products contain bleach and chemicals that can not just dry out the skin but also cause an infection. The not-so-new but revolutionary product, the menstrual cup, has been around for a while and I had been wanting to try it.
Once I did, I got rid of all of my other products for good!
So, what is a menstrual cup
A menstrual cup is a silicone cup that fits inside the body. Unlike most existing products that absorb the menstrual fluid, the menstrual cup collects the fluid in a silicone cup which needs to be inserted into the vagina. You can empty it every eight hours or so, depending on the flow of your cycle.
5 Reasons to Switch to a Menstrual Cup
To be honest, I forget that I am on the monthly cycle mode with the menstrual cup!
If you have been contemplating shifting to the cup, but haven’t really got around to doing so, let me tell you how the menstrual cup changed my life!
1. The menstrual cup is environmentally friendly.
Do your bit and don’t contribute to the existing landfill. I realized that the menstrual cup was not just good for my body, but good for the environment too! Since it is made of medical grade silicone it can be washed and reused for years. Since the cup is reusable I didn’t need to waste money on piles of tampons and disposable pads.
See also: Ready to make the switch? 6 Menstrual Cup Hacks You Need to Know
2. The menstrual cup is uber comfortable.
When I wear a cup I cannot tell it is there. Yes, that is true. There is no uncomfortable shifting of pads or even cramps. There is such a high comfort factor that apart from a nagging pain, I don’t even remember that I am on the monthly cycle. Unlike tampons or pads, a cup will not dry out the sensitive areas, but will only hold the flow.
3. I learned more about my body.
To be honest, I wasn’t ready to face the ickiness factor when I started using it. But when I did, I learned more about my cycle. Since the cup indicates measurements, I was aware of exactly how much blood I was losing and trust me, it is a lot less than what we assume it to be! It was a fascinating thing to discover and trust me I no longer look at the monthly cycle as a nuisance.
4. Menstrual cups are economical and safe.
I saved a lot of money. The cost of one menstrual cup is probably equivalent to two months supply of disposable tampons and pads. And the menstrual cup can be used for as long as eight years if cleaned and stored correctly. This should be one of your main reasons to use a menstrual cup!
5. I began to live normally.
I didn’t have to worry about uncomfortable shifting pads or staining if I wanted to go for a walk or a run. I could do all of these and sleep comfortably all through the night! Yes, uninterrupted sleep for seven to eight hours is a total bliss!
The menstrual cup reviews are mixed. You either love it or hate it. These are my reasons to use a menstrual cup. Let’s get this straight! Menstrual cups are easy to insert, wash and reinsert. Apart from that they are super comfy, economical, eco-friendly, free from chemicals (read nontoxic), reusable (for almost 5 years) and they don’t contribute to the landfill. So there you are, it is good for you and the earth. Make that switch now and opt for a green period!
Detoxing, plastics, gut health & what it all of it has to do with preventing cancer:
Mindful Menstruation: How the Moon Cup Revolutionized my Period.
Author: Pratibha Pal
Editor: Travis May
Image: Wikipedia
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