July 22, 2015

Dance Your Way to a Higher Vibration. {Video Mashup}

Dance mashup

Movement is medicine. It shifts the sluggish energy in our bodies and gets it flowing again. It helps us feel better—physically, mentally and emotionally.

And with exercise, we can choose our medicine.

I choose dance. Because life is too short to take it too seriously. If I need to exercise to stay well, I’d like to have some fun at the same time.

And dancing is a super easy, fun way to raise our vibrations instantly. It can be a workout, without feeling like a workout.

Of course, to get the most out of dance, we do need to heed the old adage: “Dance as if no-one is watching.” It is a truly joyous act to shake off our inhibitions and let our bodies move as they see fit—regardless of how ridiculous we might appear to onlookers.

Not always easy for the self-conscious—and not something many of us are willing to do without the “protection” of some booze or our cars. So then I say, dance when no-one is watching.

Home alone? Instead of distracting ourselves with reality TV, let’s blare out the music and dance. It’s good not only for the body, but for the heart and soul as well.

To get you in the mood, check out this fun dance mash-up. Hit play, join in, feel good.


Women Reclaiming Sexy: Why I Dance. {Video}

How I Danced Myself to Spontaneous Remission.


Author: Hilda Carroll
Editor: Catherine Monkman
Photo: Youtube Screenshot

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