July 1, 2015

Harnessing Love & People Power—Across the Globe—to Bail Out Greece.


A crowdfunding campaign launched this week is attempting to raise the cash to bail out Greece.

At the time of writing, €914,972 has been raised by 53,443 people in the last three days. While this is a phenomenal response, it is still less than 1% of the €1.6 billion target, with only six days to raise it. But that is not a good enough reason not to support this campaign.

It seems an impossible task but, as we all know, pretty much anything is possible when there is enough energy and will behind it.

Over and over we see politics fail the people, as the interests of banks and private corporations come first. This campaign is side-stepping politics—it was set up in recognition of the needs of the people of Greece, because economies are supposed to serve the needs of their people, not rule them.

The campaign was set up by Englishman Thom Feeney, who calculated that if every European donated just €3 the target would be reached. Of course, every European isn’t going to do that, but if every person across the globe who applauds this initiative donates instead of just “liking” and sharing on Facebook, then this would actually be achievable.

I know this seems a crazy way to resolve the Greek plight, but it’s so crazy that it just might work.

Something has got to give in the way these banking crises are being handled by governments, and it’s clearly going to be up to the people to make their political representatives see the light.

Whatever corner of the globe you’re sitting in, don’t make the mistake of thinking that what’s happening to the Greeks couldn’t be visited upon you. The effects of austerity measures are devastating to more than the material wellbeing of citizens, but also to their hearts and souls. And shrugging our shoulders saying, “Isn’t it terrible?” will carry its own karma.

We each need to find a non-violent way to do something—to stand up for human rights and make power-holders come around to a higher way of thinking.

It is up to us to demand that governments across the world cease putting the interests of commerce ahead of the interests of the people.

“This isn’t just about Greece, but about the Greek people, the working classes and trying to help other ordinary people across the world. If governments, corporations or banks won’t help, what can we do but band together. If we don’t reach that target, what a wonderful message it sends out. It shows that whether you’re a working class lad in Yorkshire, Scotland or Athens other people around the world care about you, even if your government has forgotten. You can make a difference.” ~ Thom Feeney

Although it seems unlikely that the target can be raised by the deadline, Feeney says this is not just about making a statement.

“This is a real attempt to do something. But at the very least it’s important to raise the issue of the plight of the Greek people at this time. Not just the profiles of politicians. We can help our Greek cousins by buying wonderful Greek produce such as feta, olives, wine and more. And maybe considering Greece as a holiday destination. That’s part of the idea behind each of the perks on the crowdfunding page. Trade will help Greece and the Greek people out of their current situation. “

But let’s not disregard the powerful statement this campaign can make—from the people to those wielding political power.

“It shows that so many people care about giving to people when they need it most, not kicking them while they’re down. To help an economy recover we need investment and stimulus, not cuts and austerity.”

I know that, when considering the logistics of administering some aspects of this campaign, people will find reason to question its practicality. But I think that to focus on that is to completely miss the point. This is a tremendous opportunity to take a stand for the common man and give two fingers to the bankers who are ruling our lives.

It is my belief that if people across the world are willing to take a couple of minutes and donate a few euros that something amazing can be achieved here.

This is a global issue, not a local one. We are all one.

I have just donated and I hope that you will too—click here to do so.


Author: Hilda Carroll

Editor: Caroline Beaton

Photo: Pixabay


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