September 5, 2015

“Whoever is doing this Hipster Barbie thing, it’s hilarious.”

hipster barbie instagram portlandia funny

Hipster Barbie is the most cathartic thing to come to overly precious Instagramland since, um, Portlandia hit us in the funny bone a few years back. ‘Cause we’re all guilty of photos of climbing and latte art and rolltop backpacks and us looking happy and exciting when really we’re not and quoting John Muir, right?

“Where do I obtain a mini Pendleton blanket? Asking for a friend…”

“Brilliant Hipster Barbie Instagram Account Parodies How Fake Our ‪#‎AuthenticLives‬ Really Are.”

Sometimes, it seems like the sole purpose of Instagram is to make everyone feel crappier about their lives. It seems like every time you log on there are new photos of lives so fabulous they could only exist on a computer screen. As much as you know this, it can be hard to remember that everything looks better through an Instagram filter and that this is not real life. 

Enter #socalitybarbie.

Irrelevantish bonus: Finally: a Barbie Doll with Average Proportions!

Want to read something seriously thoughtful about “hipster”? No? Oh: “How the Hipster Movement has been co-opted & monetized. It’s all superficial, now. But!

For much more of Socality Barbie: here.

Bonus, from elephant:

Hipster up!

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