October 14, 2015

Writing Down the Chakras.


Writing is an art, a gift, a practice.

I practice writing as taught by Natalie Goldberg in her many books, primarily Writing Down the Bones. Her few, simple rules for writing include: keep your hand moving, don’t reread (until after the writing session), don’t edit, let go of control, don’t worry about correctness (spelling, punctuation, complete sentences, or even making sense).

Writing practice, like any practice, is something ideally done daily or nearly daily. Writing is a skill that improves with practice. We cannot only write when we are inspired. Writing practice is the foundation of our mindfulness practice and our published works, as well.

Here are some suggested sentence starters to use during your writing practice, categorized by chakra:



Root / 1st chakra

I am ___________.

Sacrum Chakra


Sacrum / 2nd chakra

I want ___________.
I feel ___________.
I desire ___________.
I move ___________.
I flow ___________.


Manipura solarplexus chakra

Solar Plexus / 3rd chakra

I will ___________.
I do ___________.
I go ___________.


heart chakra

Heart / 4th chakra

I love ___________.
I give ___________.
My heart is ___________.
I am grateful for ___________.


throat chakra

Throat / 5th chakra

I express ___________.
I listen to ___________.
I hear ___________.
I speak ___________.
My voice is ___________.


third eye chakra

Third eye / 6th chakra

I see ___________.
I visualize ___________.
I look within and ___________.
I feel intuitively that ___________.


crown chakra

Crown / 7th chakra

I connect with ___________.
I believe ___________.
My spirit ___________.
My soul ___________.
I have faith in ___________.
I trust ___________.



Relephant Read:

A Quickie Guide to the Chakras.


Author: Michelle Margaret Fajkus

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Images: Wikimedia Commons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, DazSmith/Flickr

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