October 14, 2015

You Say you Want an Awakened Woman? Then Listen. {Poem}

art woman window


*Dear elephant reader: if you’re single & looking for mindful dating or conscious love, try out our lovely partner, MeetMindful.


You say you want an awakened woman?

I hear your words but want to make sure you know what you’re getting into.

It will mean that you have to really show up, in ways you may never have before.

An awakened woman’s expectations of herself and those she allows into her space are high.

She will expect you to meet her in every way and challenge her to go far outside her comfort zone.

To push her into realms she has not yet explored on her journey into really knowing herself.

She will ask that you really “see” her, not just what is on the surface, and not what she chooses to show you,

But what is underneath the layers of mystery she still wraps around her like a cloak to ensure you are worthy of her love.

If you really want an awakened, conscious woman, be prepared for a wild ride.

She does not do “predictable” and will often rise, ebb and flow in directions you’ve never been taken.

She will shake things up, break you open, leave you heady and breathless in her wake.

She will see inside your soul with the intention of truly knowing who you are at your core.

She will ask to walk alongside of you on your journey to self-discovery.

On the path, she will push you hard. She will sometimes make you painfully uncomfortable as she opens your eyes to things you have lived your whole life not seeing.

The reward will be that you receive all that the universe has for you to claim.

…with your awakened woman by your side.

You say you want an awakened woman? I hear your words but want to make sure you are ready to embody her senseless, unbridled passion.

She has a passion for love, for others and for life that is incredibly hard to tame.

She will make you feel that you are all things masculine, controlled and in charge,

Then turn you into a quivering, love-sick boy longing for her when she leaves.

She will make your head spin and your heart race in ways that drive you mad with longing.

She will make time stand still when you are in her presence.

If you really want an awakened, conscious woman, it’s time to call her.

She will come when you put it out into the universe that you are ready for her.

She will recognize your willingness to be vulnerable and receive her love with an open heart.

She will know for certain that you are a man who will not run like all the others.

Because if you have put out the call for her, you must be an awakened man.

And she’s here because she put out a call for you.


Relephant Read:

This is For the Women Who Don’t Give a F*ck. {Adult}


Author: Dina Strada

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photos: Jem Yoshioka/Flickr

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