November 30, 2015

The Word of the Year. {#reverb15}

Walt Stoneburner/Flickr


It’s almost December.

Thirty days has November. That makes tomorrow day 1 of #reverb15!

Reverb is a personal and communal writing practice that provides a means to reflect on the year that has passed and set intentions for the coming year.

For the first three weeks of the month—from December 1 to 21—I’ll post a daily writing prompt.

How to Reverb

You are invited to participate—as privately or publicly as you wish—in as few or as many words as you wish.

Keep your writing in a private journal. If you’d care to share what you’ve written, type it up as a comment or put a link to your blog post answering the prompt in the comments section.

It’s been an awesome, challenging and transitional year, and I’m excited about remembering, reflecting and planting seeds of intention for 2016 with you!

Wanna play? The challenge is to participate every day.

Here’s a sneak peek at the prompt for Tuesday, December 1st:

Encapsulate your 2015 in one word. Why that word?
What would you like your word to be for 2016? Why?

My word for 2015 is revolution.

A plethora of changes occurred in my personal life this year: geographical changes (we moved from one house to another, in a new area, on the shores of the same lake), community changes (I was booted out of one school community that had been my go-to for 2.5 years and connected more deeply with the community in our new neck of the woods), career changes (goodbye school teaching, hello long-awaited dream!) , spiritual changes (deepening my own personal practice).

It has been a year full of shifts, growth, tumult, endings and beginnings.

For 2016, my word is love.

Love. Simple, yet so easy to forget. Every day, every moment can be infused with love. Love encompasses affection, gratitude, generosity, kindness, friendliness, and all heart-centered thoughts, actions and words.

The heart chakra is where it’s at. This is where we need to be as a global society. We’ve been stuck at the third chakra for a long time now, obsessed with work, ambition and power. A lot of people are awakening their hearts and this is helping evolve the collective consciousness of humanity.

Green is the color of the heart. Immerse yourself in green, whether it be wearing green clothing in a green room or a forest. I personally adore doing metta (loving kindness or loving friendliness) practice, both formally and informally. That is, sending good wishes to myself, my loved ones, and ultimately all beings. May all beings be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful and free.

Give love. The first and last freedom is self-knowledge. Know yourself. Be aware of yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself. Give love freely and unconditionally by being kind to yourself, your friends, relatives and pets, your enemies and adversaries—to all beings without exception.

Do not let hate win. Let love be!

I did #reverb11 and #reverb13, so to keep with the tradition of doing this on odd-numbered years, I’m inspired to again host #reverb15. Please join in!


Author: Michelle Margaret Fajkus

Editor: Sarah Kolkka

Image: WaltStoneburner/Flickr

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