December 11, 2015

Shattering The Marriage Fantasy In 5 Minutes. {Video}

Robbert van der Steeg/Flickr

Did you know a lot of us buy into a very seductive fantasy around marriage and then get burned later by it?


Fortunately for me, I sniffed this one out before I got married because prior to meeting my wife, I was a “hell no” to marriage or kids.

However, before I got married, I bought the very same fantasy around relationship and ended up failing at them every single time.

Okay, fine, what is this fantasy?

In this short five-minute video, I cover what is wrong with marriage and how staying married isn’t necessarily better.

I cover the big problem that sets up the big fat detrimental fantasy, cover my own relationship failures and what was at the root of it. Finally I speak about the three things that make a marriage successful over time.

I hope you’ll enjoy it:




The Truth About Marriage, Monogamy & Long-Term Partnership.

How Do we Know if we Love Someone?


Author: Jayson Gaddis

Editor: Katarina Tavčar

Photo: Robbert van der Steeg/Flickr

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