March 24, 2016

For Now I Will Love You. {Poem}

Matthäus Windhausen/Unsplash

This ocean is immense;
it disappears into the sky, and
in that fading horizon
I know freedom.

Boundaries. You insisted on boundaries
and now I have some tucked into my soul
for the next time my heart begins to sail away.

For now, I harbour here,
wondering at lines drawn and crossed,
at the thunder I hear not only
when it rains,
but when I remember how we crashed
into each other, each time a storm
of a propensity we thought would fade
but never did.

Each time revealing more of the same
mystery that is held by the sea
to be held in our souls.

Each of us becoming,
on a journey
we know not yet what love has to do with,
and so we take ours alone.

Wandering and wondering inward,
finding love there first—
so that we may love out more fully.

Diligently learning.
And though I have never wanted something rational,
I know I could be swallowed whole
again if I swim after you.

So I silently watch the waves
pull in and out,
and look not for words to say
to make you understand,
but love on as the days move easier.

Love on.
Let go and
know, with unwavering trust
that love comes back in its richest integrity
when you first set it free.


Author: Tiffany Anderson

Editor: Toby Israel

Images: Matthäus Windhausen/Unsplash // Josh Felise/Unsplash


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