May 22, 2016

The Strength & Uncertainty in Letting Go.


Sometimes, I just refuse to let go.

I’ve asked myself many times why I clench my fist around the things I should let go of. I seem to hold on even tighter when it’s clear that it’s time for change.

You see, I’ve always associated letting go with weakness.

For me, letting go equaled giving up. I found it irresponsible to let go of something I poured all my energy into. I simply perceived it as the easy way out.

But then, I had a realization. Now that I’m on the path of letting go of my old self, my past and its memories, I’ve realized that holding on was actually the easy way out. It’s known, certain and safe. It’s a comfort zone, a secure pattern that doesn’t threaten my present moment.

I learned that there is strength in letting go. I know for a fact that it isn’t an easy task to accomplish—it took quite some time and courage to open my fist and release all that was occupying it.

You see, we hold on to jobs, emotions, thoughts, people and situations. We firmly believe that the effort we have put into them shouldn’t be in vain. By holding on, we believe we can change people, turn toxic relationships to healthy ones and transform painful situations.

The truth is, we can’t. We refuse to let go because we refuse to change and give up. We refuse to be looked at as careless people who don’t give a damn about what we left behind.

But know that whatever we are walking away from, is defining how strong we are. It requires a hell of a lot of strength to believe in the power of change and uncertainty. Only a willing, faithful person has the courage to leave the notion of time and step into the world of unpredictability.

Only a strong person is able to let go of memories, thoughts and emotions. Because letting go of them means letting go of the identities we’ve dressed ourselves in. And beautifully enough, only a strong person can learn to let go of other people. To overcome possessing other people is one of the most enlightening achievements we can aspire to.

Letting go will generate a sense of emptiness at the beginning, one that can be difficult to live with. Nevertheless, strength resides in our capability to face this emptiness and transform it into wholeness. To overcome fears of doubt and unfamiliarity.

I know I am strong because I’m ready to know what lies outside my comfort zone. I’m ready for freedom and I’m riding this roller coaster with an open heart and mind.

If we are still finding difficulty letting go, I suggest we openly ask ourselves who’s in control. Who has the power, the strength? Do things in our lives control us or do we control them?

Did you figure out the answer yet?


Author: Elyane Youssef

Editor: Nicole Cameron

Image: Pedro Ribeiro Simões/Flickr

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