August 9, 2016

4 Ways to Reconnect with our Intuition when the Connection Drops Out.

girl kneeling meditation nature woman spirituality let go release

Picture this: You’re flowing along gracefully, everything is falling into place and decisions-making feels easy.

Everything in your life is working out really well, but then, seemingly without warning, nothing. Everything feels like it’s ground to a halt.

What that means for us is that our connection to our intuition has simply dropped out.

And when that happens to me, I tend to react the way my teenage daughter does when the internet suddenly isn’t working: I throw a bit of a tantrum. Because, for me, intuition is everything—it lies behind every decision I make, every idea I come up with, every conversation I have.

I only allow myself to feel the discord briefly, mind you, there’s no slamming of my bedroom door or yelling “my life sucks.”

Because, unlike when we’re tapping away on our laptops and we go to open a new browser tab and we’re met with “unable to connect to server,” it’s not because of something outside of ourselves is the problem (e.g. the modem has crashed), it’s because of something inside.

And that’s good news, because it means there’s something we can do about it.

What do we usually do when our internet connection drops out? We reset the connection. And it’s exactly the same process when our intuition is nowhere to be found.

I have four tips to share that I use to reset the connection to my intuition quickly, and they work for anyone:

1. Check my vibration.

What I mean by “vibration,” is really our emotional state; how we’re feeling in any given moment. I ask myself, “Am I frustrated with something that hasn’t worked? Am I doubting myself?”

Our intuition resides somewhere in the vicinity of hope, optimism, eagerness, happiness, joy, which are all higher “vibrating” emotional states. When we are feeling fear, frustration, or discouragement, we find it harder to hear what our intuition has to say.

My action tip: I spend as little as two minutes focusing on something that evokes one of the higher vibrating emotions for me.

1. I take a few deep breaths and connect with my heart space until I feel relaxed.

2. I set the timer on my phone for two minutes.

3. I start to search around in my mind for a moment that excited me in the past, or something that I have been dreaming of doing that I feel would bring me great joy.

4. I picture it playing out in detail and I really feel all the emotions that go with it.

For example:  A family holiday I’ve been wanting to take: I imagine how excited the kids are when my husband and I tell them we’re going; I picture clearly the outdoor adventures we’re going to have and the places we’re going to explore together; and I feel all the feelings of connectedness and fun of that family holiday.

2. I get inspired.

Inspiration is one of my favorite states to be in. As a hugely creative person (and somewhat of a dreamer looking for any excuse to “escape” reality), there’s nothing I love more than that feeling of universal energy pulsing through me.

Inspiration is, I believe, our intuition in disguise—it’s that part of us that’s connected to every great idea, song, painting, or business offering that could possibly be out there. Once we’ve put ourselves into a state of inspiration, we all of a sudden get a “nudge” to try out a new way of doing things, or to get in touch with someone we hadn’t considered as an option before, or we come up with an amazing idea.

My action tip: I go into nature. My husband and I recently bought a piece of land for our family home that backs onto native Australian bush. It is just magical. There happens to be a walking track through the bush. The track winds its way alongside a stream which is surrounded by lush, green foliage and tall gum trees.

This is where I go to get inspired. I walk slowly, taking in the different greens of the leaves; the browns of the trees. I look out for birds and hear the calls they make to each other as they bob around in the foliage.

I immerse myself in the feeling of the bush until I feel my energy rise inside me. The feeling of inspiration naturally follows.

3. I make decisions to connect with my intuition—I set an intention.

I find that when I decide to do something it’s as if I start a ball of momentum rolling towards what I want, just by declaring it to be so.

A simple statement of intent can open our connection to our intuition in an instant.

My action tip: I make statements about my intention to connect to my intuition. I say them out loud or I write them down on post-it notes. Some of my favorites are:

I intend to be open to hearing my intuition now.

I intend to recognize my guidance in every decision I face today.

I intend to notice when something worked out because I followed my guidance, and to celebrate that.

I act on what I say I will. For example, if I say I intend to celebrate when something has worked out, I will be sure to acknowledge what worked out when I journal my review of my day before bed.

4. I appreciate.

I’ve heard it said that the feeling of appreciation is one of the highest vibrating states. It may or may not be true, but it sure feels great.

Again, this is about spending time in a feeling place where our intuition hangs out.

My action tip:

1. I get out my journal and pick a subject or person that I find easy to think positive things about.

2. I start to list out what I appreciate about it or him/her.

3. I fully feel the appreciation for that person or subject while I write my list.

For example: I often pick my dog as my subject, because he’s an easy one to feel good about. I’ll write things like:

“His soft ears. His affectionate nature. He loves going on walks with me. He loves to jump up on the bed first thing in the morning and snuggle with me. The way he comes running to greet me when I get home. How he loves to be chased around the house with his favourite toy. His ‘puppy dog’ eyes. The way he greets everyone who comes to the door as if they’re his best friend.”

I encourage everyone to give the four tips above a try. I’ve been making friends with my intuition for some years now and, with daily practice, resetting the connection when it drops out has become second-nature.

It’s not humanly possible to be connected 24/7, but we don’t have to stay disconnected for long.


Author: Karen Geddis

Image: danielle tineke/Flickr 

Editor: Katarina Tavčar

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