November 19, 2016

A week in Donald Trump Headlines.

It has begun!

Editor’s Note: Awareness of good and bad, happy and sad is what we practice in meditation. Bias is not: if you’d like to contribute, please free free! Posts must be thoughtful, accurate, fact-based: elephantjournal.com/submit we’ll feature you! 

Earlier this week good journalism Op-Ed pages and friends of mine alike were hoping Trump might turn out to be a moderate. He doesn’t believe anything, after all, they’d say! Maybe he was playing the alt-right hate base! Or maybe they just didn’t care: “keep an open mind, Waylon. Don’t stress!”

I stressed.

I’m sad to say, these 10 actions by Trump himself (his actions, not liberal or media words), this week, proved me right: 
  1. He straight up lies. Trump just took credit for stopping Ford from moving a plant to Mexico. But it wasn’t planning to. But we knew that. And: Trump camp claims he never called for Muslim registry despite video evidence (theguardian.com)
  2. He defrauds the “little guy.” Donald ‘Never Settle’ Trump to Settle Trump University Fraud Lawsuit for $20 Million. But…we knew that.
  3. This is from a lefty site, but…it’s sadly true. Trump is stocking his administration with white nationalists (thinkprogress.org)

    If there was ever any doubt that Trump is happy to be a vile influence on our country and planet, instead of an independent force, look at his five recent appointments.

    His cabinet appointments would be too conservative for the 1950s, when Eisenhower reigned. From Elizabeth Warren, more on this: Warren to President-Elect Trump: You Are Already Breaking Promises by Appointing Slew of Special Interests, Wall Street Elites, and Insiders to Transition Team (warren.senate.gov) More on Bannon: Bernie Sanders calls on Donald Trump to fire Stephen Bannon (independent.co.uk) And: More than 150 House members urge Trump to rescind Bannon appointment (bostonglobe.com) Oh, Rudy: Giuliani took money from Qatar, Venezuela, Iranian exiles (politico.com) And: Trump chooses fracking billionaire Howard Hamm, and Robert Grady to roll back environmental, energy policies. (cbc.ca) And Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He Might Become Trump’s Attorney General. (huffingtonpost.com) And: After Running On Economic Populism, Republicans Want To Destroy The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (huffingtonpost.com)

  4. His appointments, good god. This is the least of it: Trump’s pick for attorney general: ‘Good people don’t smoke marijuana’ (washingtonpost.com
  5. Interesting: Now Mike Pence is Fighting to Keep His Emails Away From Public View (lawnewz.com)
  6. Huh. And this guy is viewed as moderate: Ryan Plans to Phase Out Medicare in 2017 (talkingpointsmemo.com)
  7. Surprise, surprise: Donald Trump’s team ‘discussing plans for Muslim registration system’ (independent.co.uk)
  8. Donald Trump’s Many, Many, Many, Many Conflicts of Interest (time.comPresident Trump and the Trump Organization are the biggest conflict of interest in US history (vox.com)
  9. Donald and yoga moms everywhere: US President-Elect Donald Trump has said vaccines cause autism, and he couldn’t be more wrong(businessinsider.com)
  10. “This photo of Ivanka Trump is a middle finger to democracy.”

That’s just a week. The main news above…it being easy to get lost in the news…are the appointments. A storm is coming over America…an altright storm that will cloud the GOP and Democrats alike.


Remember: fake news will kill us all. Invest in journalism by reading it, sharing it, subscribing to it. ‘Fake news’ on social media influenced US election voters, experts say (abc.net.auFacebook fake-news writer: ‘I think Donald Trump is in the White House because of me’


A final, sad note: Obama: Congress stopped me from helping Trump supporters (politico.com) Via Reddit: 

Trade Adjustment Assistance to retrain workers displaced by free trade: blocked by Republicans.



Community College: Proposed free community college program; blocked by Republicans.



Infrastructure Bill: Proposed $60b on highway, rail, transit and airport improvements + $10 billion in seed money for infrastructure bank; blocked by Republicans



Jobs Bill: to “give tax breaks for companies that “insource’ jobs to the U.S. from overseas while eliminating tax deductions for companies that move jobs abroad”; blocked by Republicans



“Their willingness to say no to everything — the fact that since 2007, they have filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation that would help the middle class just gives you a sense of how opposed they are to any progress — has actually led to an increase in cynicism and discouragement among the people who were counting on us to fight for them.”

— Obama in 2014 (http://www.politico.com/story/2014/05/republicans-legislation-obama-dccc-event-106481)


Anf, finally: Clinton’s lead in the popular vote passes 1 million (politico.com

It’s now at 1.42 million.

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