November 3, 2016

Louis C.K. Describes just what we Need in the White House: a Tough “First Mother.”

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Really, when I think about it, I want exactly the kind of president that Louis C.K. is talking about. 

First of all, I want a mother, someone who “really cares.” Someone who doesn’t take any crap when things get tough and who tells everybody to “make nice” when they are fighting—and if you don’t make nice says, “Don’t make me take you in the other room.”

I remember way back at the beginning of this presidential campaign, someone actually made this exact point in a comment thread on my Facebook page:

“We’ve had a lot of male energy in the White House for hundreds of years. It’s time for some female energy, for a different perspective, and for a different point of view.”

I agree.

In fact, Louis C.K. says, “It’s exciting to have a First Mother in the White House.”

“First Mother,” what a title. Makes me think immediately of Mother Theresa, and boy, what a tough little mother she was!

“A mother feeds you, teaches you, protects you and takes care of you,” Louis C.K. says. And many of us can add that she even teaches us manners.

Yep, Louis C.K. really nailed it on this one and on why this country needs a woman in the White House.

Enough of the Founding Fathers. It’s time for a “First Mother” to run the show.


Author: Carmelene Siani

Image: YouTube Still

Editor: Travis May

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