June 22, 2012

Contemplations on Love—June 17, 2012. ~ Sherri Rosen

I enjoy writing about love, as you probably can tell from my past blogs.

Love fascinates me, because without it I would be dead.

When I was young, I used to think that love could only come from another person. But, through the years, I realized the most important love in one’s life is love for one’s self, not from the ego but from the heart. How could I possibly hope to find a wonderful lover without a wonderful love of self?

This is what life is all about: learning, loving and realizing what is good and what isn’t.

I have experienced in my past relationships that when love is fresh and new there is an open heartedness that creates a sense of safety and knowing that the right person has come along. It’s a very exciting time. However, all too often this openness can disappear between two lovers and the heart shuts down. Either one may begin to use the other for their basic needs rather than appreciating him/her and what they share together. And, if there is no communication or awareness, the entire love thing falls apart.o

When two lovers keep their hearts open, it is a completely different kind of relationship. There is mutual respect, kindness, passion, safety, integrity and a deep commitment to watching each other’s back.

I have experienced deep love and deep love being returned by another. It’s a most wonderful experience and I have learned not to settle for anything less.

I hope you have that deep love in your life.


Sherri Rosen is now living in Harlem, New York. She has had her own publicity business for 12 years giving a powerful voice to people who are doing good things in the world. She writes on her own blog at www.SherriRosen.com, www.GateKeepersPost.com, www.Triiibes.com, www.Examiner.com and www.TheGoodMenProject.com.





Editor: Thaddeus Haas


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