July 15, 2012

Mommy, Baby & Omega 3. ~ Nicole Rebeiro

Photo credit: Stephen Cummings

Studies have shown the many health benefits we can gain from adding Omega 3-rich foods to our diets.

Omega 3 fatty acids are found in marine and plant oils and have been discovered to reduce the risk of heart disease and boost immunity. This means these fatty acids help the body fight off infections like influenza or the common cold.

More studies are being conducted to figure out what other health benefits Omega 3 brings to the table.

A recent study reveals that a healthy dose of Omega 3 during and after pregnancy can do a lot of good not only for the mothers and mothers-to-be, but for the baby, as well.

Omega 3 in Fish Oil

One way to get a daily dose of Omega 3 essential fatty acids into our system is through fish oil. Fish oil comes from Omega 3-rich fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and a whole lot more.

Each fish oil capsule, meant for daily consumption, is infused with vitamins and other nutrients that complement the effects of Omega 3 in our body, as well as help our bodies absorb the fatty acids.

How Mommy and Baby Can Benefit from Fish Oil

It’s no secret that fish oil has a lot of health benefits to offer, but recent reports have exposed the main component of fish oil can also be favorable for pregnant women and more importantly, their unborn babies.

The reason for this is that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), one of the essential fatty acids in Omega 3, has been known to boost brain development in children inside and outside the womb.

Breastfeeding mothers are also encouraged to take fish oil supplements to stimulate their child’s neurological, visual and motor function development.

Of course, baby isn’t the only one reaping the benefits of fish oil’s Omega 3 content. Further research also shows that pregnant women who take fish oil supplements have less risk of going into pre-term labor or developing pre-ecclampsia.

What Are the Side Effects?

When taken in low or moderate doses, fish oil does not have any harmful effects on most people.

However, there are risks when fish oil is taken in large doses, especially when a person suffers from conditions like seafood allergies, bipolar disorder, diabetes or depression or it is taken alongside prescription medications such as anti-hypertensive drugs.

Although fish oil is considered safe even during pregnancy, it is important to visit a doctor first to make sure that minimal to no adverse effects will result from taking this supplement.

Eating Omega 3-rich food or taking supplements can really make a difference in the health of both a mother and her child.

If you’re wondering if taking fish oil is right for you, consult your doctor to get more information.


When she is not getting her fingers green in her English country garden, Nicole is a keen writer with a particular interest and passion for travel. She has been writing for four years now and always enjoys researching new topics.



Editor: Jamie Morgan

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