July 17, 2012

Creating a Sacred Space. ~ Annalisa Robusto

Creating a sacred circle is a way of creating a sacred space.

Creating a sacred circle is a ritual for creating a cosmic connection with your higher self, for healing, guidance and manifesting. You can create your sacred space in nature, on your bed, in your car, or in your bath. When you are in the sacred circle you can perform cleansing, healing, and manifest things for yourself, others and the world at a higher level.

Below are a few suggested steps and techniques I use to create a sacred space. Do some of the steps to have a magical experience with your higher divine self and the universe. Do what feels natural. Add more steps when you feel ready. Add your own personal touch. Let your practice evolve everyday magically.

1.) Purification and cleansing rituals

Before starting any ritual it is best to cleanse yourself, your aura, and the area around you of negative energy. You can use the elements to cleanse. Showering, standing barefoot in nature, burning incense, sage or spray an elixir.

Using a scented spray is my favorite quick cleansing technique. My sprays consist of my homemade elixirs as the base with a few added drops of organic essential oils, and flower essences.

Elixirs are fun and easy to make. Take a glass of purified water and set your favorite stone or crystal in the water overnight. The energy and properties of the stone will release into the water. Make sure the water is in a safe place and covered. Setting it under starlight, moonlight or sunlight adds more yummy power. You can also find rosewater sprays to get you started at health food stores, or use salt water. Remember to bless the water with your intentions.

2.) Building your circle

You can create a sacred space wherever you are for protection and to connect to the source of cosmic consciousness.

Visualize a three dimensional bubble of blue or golden light around you that will grant you safety and freedom. Fill the circle with light. See the light purifying your entire being and aura. Do this as an additional cleansing exercise and meditation. Use your breath. Feel and see yourself connecting to the earth and the universe while inside

3.) Affirm that this is a sacred space

This now is a sacred space. To be within the circle is to be within the presence of God, Goddess and the Goddess within. Only love may enter and love may exit. Only love may enter.

4.) Invoke the elements

Inviting the elements into your space increases the power of your prayers and manifestations. This creates a microcosm on earth of a cosmic Goddess universe. There are many ways to do this. Follow your intuition and have fun. There is no right or wrong way. Remember your intention is everything. If you are inviting the elements to join you in your sacred circle just believe they will come.

You can chant, “Elementals of air, fire, water, and earth please be present with me in this now. I am one with the wind of the east, the fire of the south, and the water of the west and the earth of the north. Please join me in this circle now”.

You may use a compass and face the directions when you invite them in as well.

5.) Invoke the God, Goddess or Arch Angels

I use Doreen Virtues Goddess oracle cards on my iphone. I love technology for this reason. I call upon the Goddess that is currently working through me or than I need to invoke in my life. Sometimes I stay with her for a few days using her continued guidance and as my journal topic.

6.) Empowerment

Call your power back as a Goddess and stand firm. Cut psychic cords, release karmic debts, fears and guilt. These attachments keep you from connecting to your higher self and your path. Recite, “I call my power back from all corners of the world. I stand strong in my power fully present and whole in my body mind and soul. I cut all cords of fear sending love and healing in both directions. I cut all karmic debits across all time keeping me from true life’s purpose. I am connected to the source, to the one, to all.

Feel inside your body. What needs to be cut, forgiven and released? Let go. Use your breath and visualizations. These moments of unclogging and clearing will allow you to now raise your vibration into a state of bliss by opening a clear channel to the divine.

7.) Step into bliss

Raise your vibration to the highest state where healing and manifestations happen. Fill your heart with light and love. See your heart pulsing and sending out love with every heartbeat like concentric rings. Chant, “I love, I love, I love.” Chant until you feel it, until you are it. Believe it! Then start seeing everyone you know everything you see, feel, here and send them love. Feel your vibration soaring.

Put on music and sing. Chant, dance and send love to the earth. Bless our oceans and water sources, trees and food. Bless newborn children and men at war. Send out love to our moon, stars and to the universe.

8.) Manifestations

Now is the best time to perform magic since your vibrations are soaring. Manifest magic through healings, dreams, cleansing, clearing blocks, asking for guidance through prayer, chants, visualizations and journaling.

9.) Closing

Ground your energy, give thanks and ask for continued guidance. Place your hands on the ground in nature and see your energy settling softly all around you. Thank the elements, God and Goddess, for joining you. Ask them to continue to guide you throughout your day.

Annalisa Robusto is from Encinitas, and is currently living in the islands of Hawaii after selling her car, quitting her job as a math teacher and deciding to travel and live her life.  She is currently learning sustainable living practices and Hawaiian shamanism while writing and running Goddess circles.  You can find her blog here.

Editor: Carrie S

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