August 12, 2012

Be Inspired. ~ Jennifer Pilates

Photo: Flickr/F.C. Photography

Inspiration comes to us, everyday, from numerous places.

Our jobs, the newspaper, a simple street sign we pass…it is something that can arrive, truly, from anywhere and everywhere—especially when you are open to receiving it.

Inspiration is the journey to your goals, dreams and happy place in life!

 “Inspiration and genius—one and the same.”

~ Victor Hugo

I’ve learned, over the years, that knowledge is the key to inspiration; learning something new, daily, from different facets around the world, can keep you inspired and running full speed ahead.

With careers, relationships and our health, inspiration is the roadmap to the passion that lights that fire beneath us. Once we have found—or come to—the inspired place of our goals, one of the best ways to further that inspiration is to constantly push ourselves out of our comfort zone—and into the zone of dreams, happiness and opportunities.

 “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

~ Neale Donald Walsch

One way that I keep myself inspired—and on top of my game—is to set aside the time to search out articles, news and social media on health, fitness, wellness—and, well, whatever I am drawn to that day! Researching and letting my thoughts wander through vast media sources invigorates my body, my brain—and can result in a sudden flow of new ideas.

I find that seeking out a quiet space where I can allow my body and mind to just be, is a great place to connect with my heart; quieting oneself allows the unconscious to bubble up to the surface and invites us to express our innermost thoughts and emotions. Perhaps, this is during a daily seated meditation or a serene walk into the evening sunset.

Enjoy the process of finding what works for you—give yourself permission to let go—and you might just be amazed at what inspirational thoughts you’ll find!

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.”

~ Buddha

In our daily lives, we are often pulled in numerous directions at once, between careers, family and our general, everyday lives; it is important to remember that in order to not only be inspired but to inspire others, we must take care of ourselves.

Yes, I know there are days that this is easier said then done and there will always be those days—but it’s important to schedule in you-time— the time where you can replenish, find and remember what inspires you; what keeps you going and what you love—be it as a mother, daughter, boss, wife, girlfriend, sibling, practitioner—take you-time, to just be inspired. Scheduling in me-time can make or break my day…or even my week.

Depending on where I am in the world, any given day, I still find me-time—seeking my quiet place, where I can allow myself to just be, so that I may truly hear myself, refreshing my body and mind—and allowing the inspirations of the moment to flow freely.

We are all different; wherever you find your inspiration is the right place, at the exact right moment for you.                                                         

Whenever I am blessed to be on the coast, you can be sure that you will find me not far from the beach. I love sitting close to the waters’ edge, eyes closed, listening to the waves crash onto the shore, while the seagulls fly above, calling out to one another, with the warm sun on my face.

For me, the beach and all its natural beauty, is very grounding and allows me to just be; for that moment, I am at peace with myself and the world around me—I am open to the inspirations that the universe has to offer.

At home in Arizona, I have a few places that inspire me, where I take the time to restore, allowing my body and mind to release.

Sedona, an amazing spiritual place that draws the spirit to new levels, is one of them; an instant release always transpires on the drive in. Sitting and taking in the amazing red rock formations, in awe of how it all came to be—this is a very special place and one that you must visit one day!

As a Pilates Trainer, I have dabbled in yoga over the years but could never quite settle my mind to enjoy the true essence of the practice. About a year ago, I met a very special instructor in Scottsdale, Arizona, who I felt blessed to be connected with. I explained I didn’t have much yoga experience and so she encouraged me to come to a beginner class.

One year later and I am still attending her classes—she has a special gift, one that truly is amazing—and every class I am inspired (and in awe) of the transformation that takes place within.

Inspiration is all around you and like anything in life, it is important to look within…find your true happiness and your inspiration will flow like a beautiful waterfall that has no end.

We are only given one go-around in this lifetime, so live your life to its fullest; allow your heart to be inspired, so that you may inspire others.


Jennifer Pilates is an Advanced Pilates Instructor & Celebrity Trainer. She enjoys working one-on-one with clients in her Scottsdale, AZ Studio, as well as live via the Online Pilates Studio known as SKYPERISE, with clients worldwide. Inspiring clients, educating new instructors, writing and traveling are what inspire me.  She has a love for life and living it to it’s fullest! To find out more about Jennifer, visit her website at www.jenniferpilates.com.



Editor: Bryonie Wise

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