Submit a Story to Elephant Journal

“Write what you know.” ~ Mark Twain

As independent media, we’re created by and for our readers. Our mission: to share the good word beyond our core or choir to those who don’t yet know they give a care.

We’re about “the mindful life”—yoga, organics, sustainability, conscious consumerism, active citizenship, ecofashion, the arts, non-new agey spirituality, enlightened education—anything that helps us to live a good life that also happens to be good for others, and our planet.

Want to join in? Send us your article, photos, art, poetry, recipe, or a favorite video you’ve seen recently. You must read and adhere to our style guidelines and use agreement before we’ll consider your work.

Note: Please mark “Timely” (if it’s a trending issue or a holiday) in the beginning of your story title. If the article is related to breaking news, mark “Urgent” in the title. For example, a fall recipe or tribute to a recently fallen hero would be considered “timely,” while a mindful hero’s sudden passing or news of a president’s impeachment would be considered “urgent.”

Also, Elephant Journal isn’t a bulletin board. Rather, it’s a community, and we each need to do our part to get the good word (these articles) out beyond the choir. We ask that as part of publishing articles on, authors share their work to their communities through Facebook, newsletters, Twitter, and Instagram. If this is something you feel inspired by, we’d love to move forward, but if elephant is only one of many publications to share these articles, it’s not really a mutually beneficial relationship. Please submit original work!

New: Because of Facebook’s ongoing changes, we need to more meaningfully partner with writers. Help us bring your words out beyond the choir by sharing with your friends, family, and community. Before we can publish another article, help us get your previous article to 500 views!


  • Bios should be no more than 1-4 sentences, including links. All bios should have at least one link (social media/professional/personal blog). Written in the third person, bios should be a mix of professional and silly/personal. See Editor-in-Chief Waylon Lewis' bio for an example.
  • Our editors will select photos to go along with your piece (so please do not submit any, except a lovely bio photo of yourself, above!).

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