Want “Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis” as featured entertainment at your event? You’ll get a great event plus a bunch of great outsider videos of your event out of it.
Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis has hosted two governors, Sakyong Mipham, Seane Corn, Richard Freeman, Alice Walker, Arianna Huffington, Bill McKibben, Michael Pollan, Dr. Weil, Deepak Chopra, and this month alone Marianne Williamson, Ram Dass, Krishna Das, Joan Halifax Roshi, Byron Katie, Sharon Salzberg and two Congressmen.
Here’s the basic deal:
1. We limit our partnerships to those events that we can whole-heartedly believe in, because as part of our media sponsorship, you are granted a column on our site so you can talk about events, giveaways, and share genuine articles that are not advertorial.
2. you get a standard square ad, $500 a month value. It’s clickable, can feature many diff images, call outs, link to registration, and be updated up to once a month.
3. we ask for logo, banner at fest, links, shoutouts, as much as possible from your end on your web site, anything physical (brochures etc, which we’d love to be recycled, etc), e-newsletters.
4. if we attend, I/we would cover daily via www.twitter.com/elephantjournal (voted #1 in US for #green twice), facebook.com/elephantjournal , and http://www.elephantjournal.com itself. We ask for airfare for at least two, accommodations, we’re not too picky. If there’s commuting involved, we ask for decent bikes if feasible.
5. If you want our Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, named top 10 nationally in green, having featured Dr. Weil, Dr. Chopra, Bill McKibben, Alice Walker, mannny yogis including Richard Freeman, Seane Corn, Baron Baptiste, Cyndi Lee, many Buddhists including Robert Thurman, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Amy Goodman, John Perkins, Byron Katie, Michael Pollan…we ask for sound, light and video support. If you can’t do video support we can either fly someone in, if you can cover, or I can hire someone locally. We own content, but you can use and embed videos all you like. Walk the Talk would ideally be featured entertainment, we would interview a few of your leading presenters, and if you have music (kirtan, etc) they would play after my two interviews, just like a mainstream talk show. It’s fun, in-depth but succinct, fundamentally serious. The whole thing takes about an hour.
We’ve rocked many conferences—LOHAS, Natural Products Expo, Sundance, Hanuman, OR, Tadasana. Let’s rock your event—and remember our videos will continue to serve as ambassadors for your event for years to come.
Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis is dedicated to bringing the good news beyond the choir and to the masses via fun, yet fundamentally serious conversations with inspiring figures, both famous and everyday.
Waylon Lewis has interviewed Seane Corn, Dr. Andrew Weil, Arianna Huffington, Michael Pollan, Alice Walker, Dr. Deepak Chopra, John Perkins, Paul Hawken, Lester Brown, Ken Wilber, Robert Thurman, Sharon Salzberg, Steve Demos, Anne Waldman, Richard Freeman, Byron Katie, Bill McKibben, Treehugger’s Graham Hill, Chris Sharma, Natalie Goldberg, Sister Prejean (Dead Man Walking), Brad Feld, John Friend, Top Chef Hosea Rosenberg and featured music with Flogging Molly, Krishna Das, Paper Bird, The Motet and Nawang Khechog. Off site, our show has appeared at Patagonia, LOHAS, Eco Gift, Natural Products Expo, prAna, Naturally Boulder, Naropa University, Wanderlust Festival, Co-Housing Conference and many other worthy organizations.Our videos are hip, fun, accessible, professional and available through elephantjournal.com (named #1 twitter for green content in US, and a Top 10 US #green and #spirituality web site), Huffington Post (where Waylon has a popular column), Care2 and a dozen other sister sites.We don’t do video production. We do stylish, fun, genuine, independent editorial. To sponsor a video or see about getting yourself or your organization featured, or to host Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis at your event, email editorial@elephantjournal.com
What elephantjournal.com can offer you:
>>> Via our twitter stream (we were named #1 in country in #green content on twitter by the Shorty Awards) we immediately get news, articles out to the national community of green blogs, sites like Treehugger and dozens of smaller ones. When we tag LOHAS, that helps your follower base increase, and vice versa.
Our Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis and elephant journal demographic is choosey, active, affluent, 73% female, averaging 33 years old (our tone is generally “young,” but our interests are shared by older demographics).
If you’re a fit for our readers—fun, bold but family-friendly, hip, a little wild, caring and dedicated to changing your industry for the better—please contact us.
$36,ooo/year ($3,000/month, payable monthly). This is the discounted rate—rates are higher if you want an ad for a month or quarter.
- elephantjournal.com’s lead banner up top, as well as side ad on left above the fold
- one article a month (subject of our choosing)
- access to our award-winning twitter account (once a month)
- access to our facebook page (once a month)
- lead logo on Walk the Talk Show videos
- thanks live at Walk the Talk Show events (audience 250, also live-streamed nationally)
- schwag bag and booth at live events
- five commercials (you provide, or we can do custom for fee) per month, viewed live and live streamed
- giveaways on facebook, twitter (unlimited)
- coupons emailed to all paid reader subscribers
- logo presence with all author/contributors (leading voices nationally in green, yoga, adventure, ecofashion, natural products).
- product placement (tee shirts, product) in videos.
- one custom audience interaction video a year.
$36,000 ($3,000/month, payable quarterly). That is the discounted rate. Rates are higher if you prefer to advertise just by the month or quarter, not for the full year.
- inter-blog banner ad (example above), displayed six (!) times on the Front Page (can be six different ads with revolving messages) and then again between our comment section and blogs on every single article/video on the site.
- one article a month
- tweet and facebook page post of that article
- logo at end of all videos
- thanked live
- schwag and booth at live events
- giveaways on facebook + twitter
- coupons emailed to all subscribers
- secondary logo presence with all contributors.
- custom video tie ins
- One custom video a year.
$24,000/year ($2,000/month, payable monthly). That is the discounted rate. Rates are higher if you prefer to advertise just by the month or quarter, not for the full year.
- big side ad top left above the fold
- one article a month (subject/angle of mutual choosing, we reserve final editorial approval)
- tweet and facebook page post of that article
- logo in credits on Walk the Talk Show videos/month
- thanked live (audience: 250 plus live-stream) and or you can welcome audience personally
- schwag and booth at all our live events (we sponsor approx 40 events a year total)
- presence on all Press Releases, posters, flyers.
- giveaways, event notifications via facebook & twitter
- coupons emailed to all subscribers (if applicable)
- presence with all our featured writers (leading voices in green, yoga, adventure…).
- One personal custom video tie in a month via editor/host Waylon Lewis.
We Are Elephant, and this is elevision… from Alex King & Mito Media on Vimeo.
elephantjournal.com’s “Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis” takes place live in Boulder, Colorado—and is shared via more than 20 host web sites around the country, including Huffington Post.
In the past, Waylon Lewis has interviewed such luminaries as Michael Pollan, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Alice Walker, Dr. Andrew Weil, Richard Freeman, Rabbi Zalman Shalomi-Schacter, Anne Waldman, John Perkins (Confessions of an Economic Hit Man), Byron Katie, Seane Corn, Bill McKibben, Paul Hawken, Treehugger’s Graham Hill, Chris Sharma, Sharon Salzberg, Natalie Goldberg, Sister Prejean (Dead Man Walking), Brad Feld, John Friend, Top Chef Hosea Rosenberg, Robert Thurman (see video here from recent show) and Amy Goodman and featured music with Flogging Molly, Krishna Das, Paper Bird, The Motet and Nawang Khechog.
“Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis” includes an expo before and an afterparty hosted by Green Drinks and others. We often offer interludes including dance,“ecofashion” shows (featuring prAna and many others). Our “green” sets are provided by DWR.
elephant has a strong, active, daily presence on Facebook, and 1000s of friends. We’ve been named a top 10 green video blog and top 10 Green Twitter (by two organizations). Advertise on our site, and we’ll work our following for you. Become a Fan at elephantjournal.com’s Facebook page. Follow@elephantjournal on Twitter.
elephantjournal.com has been recognized by MNN and Opportunity Green as a “Top Ten Green Twitter User” nationally, and by Shift, Downtown Boulder, Grist and Green Matters as a leading tweeter. All ads include one tweet re: your company and/or product a month, the exact subject and message is of elephant’s choosing (we’re happy to take suggestions). Currently, we have 20,000 followers on Twitter among our various staff accounts.
All ads include one blog on a specific subject of our choosing that will get your company or product in Google searches. We then tweet and FB our blog.
6. VIDEO SPONSORSHIPS (includes logo or brief flash ad at the top of video and web site mention with thanks at end of video. We film approx 100 videos and interviews a year)
Standard Videos (videos that garner average views, embeds and are networking through vimeo, elephantjournal.com, youtube.com):
- $500 to sponsor one standard video.
- $300/video to sponsor 10 standard videos [$3,000 total for 10 prime big name videos].
- $200/video for 20 videos [$4,000 total for 20 big name videos].
- All video sponsorships must be prepaid.
SuperPopular Videos (Big names or hot topics: Dr. Deepak Chopra, Paul Hawken, Michael Pollan, Amy Goodman, Alice Walker, Michael Pollan, Alice Waters, Robert Thurman, Dr. Andrew Weil, Byron Katie…anyone or any subject that will get tons of views):
- $1000 to sponsor one prime video.
- $750/video to sponsor 10 prime videos [$7,500 total for 10 prime big name videos].
- $500/video to sponsor 20 prime videos [$10,000 total for 10 prime big name videos].
- All video sponsorships must be prepaid.
Logo up top. “elephant journal’s Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis is brought to you by…” with your logo, tag line and web site. You can also feature a brief (10 second) commercial promo. Videos are posted on elephantjournal.com, vimeo.com, youtube.com (we have a dedicated channel) as well as, frequently, the host sites of sponsors, interviewees or companies featured in said videos. SuperPopular videos are also posted to our column on Huffington Post GREEN or LIVING. Finally, our videos are sometimes embedded on other LOHAS news sites and blogs. Remember: videos rake in thousands of views, depending on popularity, and are out there forevevvvver.
Why advertise on elephantjournal.com vs. in newspapers or magazines?
- Does advertising on the web make sense? Web ads, unlike print advertising, are clickable (but remember, few readers click thru, let alone purchase on the spot. View link as a perk. Your ad is still—as with TV or print—all about presence, brand-building and reinforcement).
- Link and clicks helps your site get noticed by Google (OneRiot, Yahoo, Bing), since we don’t protect our Alexa page rankings.
- Web ads can feature multiple images, each advertising different product, event.
- Web ads are everywhere. Unlike many web sites, readers will see your ad on every page of our web site.
- Ads are updatable up to once a month to reflect specials, marketing pushes or events.
- Finally, yearlong ads as are included in our weekly e-newsletter, which goes to thousands of LOHAS leaders and avid readers.
- Generally, we’ll be happy to include at least one blog on products/programs etc you offer, by one of our 20 writers, as long as said products/programs are mindful, eco, wonderful. We also include a tweet and Facebook push for our blog on you.
What’s elephantjournal.com’s traffic?
elephantjournal has been a full-time web site since January 1st, 2009, when our last print issue sold off the stands of Whole Foods etc. around the country. Therefore, if you commit to an advertisement for a year, our readership should be far larger at the end of that year with a locked-in price.
- 6.5 million unique visitors as of January 2014 (if someone tells you how many hits they have, that number is more or less meaningless and usually hyped).
- 22% loyalty (multiple visits by same reader each month—a lower loyalty rate indicates that our site is growing quickly).
How many click-thrus can I expect? Few readers click thru, let alone purchase on the spot. View clickableness as a perk. Your ad is still—as with TV or print—all about attracting ‘eyeballs,’ presence, brand-building, and reinforcement.
Do you offer Pay per Click or Affiliate advertising programs? No. Instead, gain, we offer super-low prices so we can keep things simple. We don’t offer pay per click, which doesn’t adequately honor the number of ‘eyeballs’ you receive, which is what folks pay for when they buy print ads—presence. We charge literally 1/3 of other sites because we choose to keep it a simple flat fee, less time for all concerned.
The change is, as it happens, was partially inspired by Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard’s experience in the early ’90s, when his company’s next move, if they wanted to continue to grow, was to begin selling Patagonia clothes in department stores. But Yvon didn’t want to impact the integrity of his products—so he decided to keep Patagonia (relatively) small, and keeping walking his environmentally-responsible talk.
By the same token, to grow beyond our circulation of 30,000 (available in Whole Foods and such around the country), elephant journal was ready to start distributing to Barnes & Noble, Borders etc…which was great… except that our sell-through rate would have plummetted from 8/10 (eco-responsible, and good for advertisers) to 3/10 (the national average, shameful considering even recycled paper magazines are milled/shipped/reshipped/re-reshipped up to six times).
So…elephant journal went paperless, sacrificing 6.5 years of building up revenues but maintaining our commitment to not being a!@#$%holes to Mother Earth—to proving you can do well and do good at the same time.