And there was the football game that we all were at
And our team was losing badly and the players strutted like artificial athletes and the dancers danced and the bands took turns playing
And we asked how each other were these days
And you told me about the books you have been reading
While I noticed up above there were great, hot-pink billowing clouds, blushing from the rough nuzzling of white clouds, swollen with dark blue and static heat, lightening framed the curves of them both and that smell we all know so well filled the sky of something building
And the teenagers behind us cursed so tough and vacuous, and I smiled thinking on those days too
And where it all leads you
And the murmur of the crowd and the man on the loudspeaker announcing while interspersed with poorly written commercials came over the loudspeakers
And clouds began foreplay that no one saw but me building toward a cosmic copulation
And there was the sound of a tink, tink, tink while my eyes followed the sound as a grape Skittle found its way down accidentally cast aside by a hand reaching for more
And landing on the floor
Beside me
Beside this new version of us
And me, wanting to pick it up and “Taste the Rainbow” but not daring
And whistles blew and great herons flew in unison across a sky performing an intimate dance that no one saw
But maybe you, I’m not sure
But I did
I see and hear and taste and feel and smell it all and it all flows at times
So beautiful
Even when it is too much at times
And then there was the text you checked off to the side and the guest band had finished
And our daughter, who we came together to see, came on the field ready to perform at halftime
And we both adjusted our peripheral polite posture
To wait for the sound and movement of the show to begin
In those moments, between breath and start of show or storm
Between past and future, waiting for new moments to begin
We must remember to stop and take in all the everythings
The sights and sounds and scents
And pain of longing alongside the pleasure of presence
For in an instance it can all change
The whistle blew
And the band began.
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