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October 5, 2021

3 Things a heartless person will say to get what they want.

It took me a good couple years to figure this one out, over the years I’ve been collaborating a list, a very thorough list. One that may assist you fellow reader…

So there’s good people and there’s bad people and then there’s executioners “The hangman, the jack ketch, the official killer” those are the types you wanna keep a close eye on and never allow them to be apart of your life no matter how charming they may seem.

They will firstly sweet talk you to lure you, once you’re caught up and mesmerized by their perpetual motion, you then feel attached to them because they always there, they are like never ending impossible to be rid of.

Secondly they will now strike your vulnerabilities, backing you up into a corner, your now busy skating on thin ice whilst they contemplating the grand finale.

The execution, that is when they know they have you ready under their guillotine. It’s very sad how they plan every little thing with such enthusiasm to break you.. Once they get what they want. They then move onto their next victim.

They think they’ve won. But you can beat them at their own game! Nothing is impossible, no bad deed goes unpunished. And that’s a hard fact to swallow. But it’s true. The truth always prevails and the bad and ugly just evaporates eventually..

You can allow these people to get to your inner peace and tear you down or you can step away from them. It’s never too late to make a change for the better. Life is what you make of it, and the sooner you appreciate your life the better you feel.

I’ve learned alot from people who had bad intentions toward me, and I thank them in a very graceful manner. If I hadn’t met these people, whether friend, foe, lover or a simple aqaintence, I’ve learned that these people could show up in any form attempting to destroy you and if you allow them to, they will. So be more cautious when allowing people into your life. Hold yourself accountable, set out some rules for yourself.. And follow through on them. It will serve you well and save you from a great deal of heartache, pain and suffering. Don’t let another person who doesn’t value you ruin you.

Protect yourself, armor up to defend yourself because you’re worth it!

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