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February 3, 2022


Disrespect is someone’s way of telling you that they are above you. When someone tries to disrespect you, it can often lead us to disappointment and a feeling of not being good enough to fit in. Disrespect can be in many forms. It may be verbal, physical, emotional, or even maybe spiritual. Sometimes we even fail to recognize someone is disrespecting us and has reached their limits.

So, how do we recognize it? How do we know if someone is disrespecting you?

Don’t worry. We’ve got this.

Once upon a time I too was in a situation where I was too powerless to react since I didn’t recognize that someone was crossing their limits. I started getting aware of that by observing the pattern which disrespectful people have.



Ever wondered why people disrespect you? It’s mainly because either they have a sense of entitlement or they feel they are below everyone and want to make themselves worthy by degrading people around them.

This is maybe due to many underlying issues including trauma or past experiences and may be impacted by many causes including the environment they are grown up in, parental behavior passed on to the person, bad network in schools and colleges, etc.

The perceptions of such people about human nature and the world will be entirely different. They use disrespect as a form of pride and do not care about what others feel like, not even their caretakers.

This disrespectful behavior sometimes comes under Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is common among 12% of people. Ultimately it’s in the hand of us not to be disrespected and realize our worth.

Accompanying a disrespectful person leads to mental health problems which tend to affect our daily life and therefore it is a good idea to keep them at bay or set your boundaries. Even great personalities couldn’t escape from this disrespectful treatment.

If you are unaware of such behaviors, I’m here to help you with 8 ways you can recognize the behavioral patterns. Stick to the article till the end.


8 ways you can spot someone is disrespecting you.

  • They make you feel unworthy:

Most disrespectful people are highly insecure people. They tend to have very low self-esteem that makes everyone around them insecure too. They think in a way that everyone around them is a bit above them in all aspects. So, to sustain and maintain their self-respect, they try to degrade and invalidate the qualities of everyone and make them insecure.

Anyone who possesses good qualities is often interrupted by such people and they try to pay negative comments to those good qualities.

The best way to deal with such people in everyday life is to be patient and realize your self-worth.


  • They are extreme opportunists:

Disrespectful people always act as carpetbaggers. Although they don’t praise anyone, sometimes when they want something to be done by you, they may nag you or even compliment you in a good way. They seem very clever in doing that. They stand by you as long as you are benefitted for them. That is the ultimatum. After their work is done they just ignore you instead of paying a thank you.


  • They’re non-diligent:

You can easily know when someone is playing with your dignity and respect. Watch out if they are attentive to what you say. Disrespectful people most often are not good listeners! They don’t give you their uninterrupted time and attention. They just beat around the bush and tend to do some other work.

When you notice such a trait, know that they’re being disrespectful to you!


  • Verbal abuse:

Disrespectful people may abuse you verbally to show off their power and authority. They make an attempt to insult you in all possible ways. They make use of abusive language directly or indirectly which is disguised as a compliment sometimes.

They criticize you for all the things you did without even noticing the good in them.

They don’t honor your self-respect. It is difficult to be yourself completely when you are around them!


  • Don’t value your opinions:

This is a common trait many of us see in a disrespectful person and is an easily recognizable character. Whenever you raise an opinion, either big or small they don’t see your opinion valued. They disrespect for having an opinion and criticize them. Even if they allow you to say your opinion, they accuse you of having a wrong opinion.


  • Turns aggressive when you say ‘no’

Disrespectful people have this toxic behavior of turning to quick aggressive when you say no to anything they demand you. If you ever reject their opinion or demand, they might insult you in all possible ways. A ‘no’ from anyone is more than what they can withstand and their massive ego kicks in.


  • They give you silent treatments:

Another character that defines a disrespectful character is giving silent treatments. Some people are excellent at going no contact with you and may not bother to talk even for days. That is a huge red flag. They completely cut you off to make you have done something wrong or evil to them. They try to impose the victim mentality on you and even can make you apologize for their mistakes.


  • They don’t apologize for their mistakes

Disrespectful people never admit they made a mistake or were wrong at any point in time. They have a notion of being perceived as weak if they admit their mistake. They act in such a way that their mistakes are never theirs and try to put their mistakes on others. If you, in any way notice such behavior, it’s time to switch the court!




These are some of the commonly recognized traits found in disrespectful persons. Although it cannot be completely assumed that showing any one of the above behaviors should be stamped under such character. Nobody is perfect in the world. But, when someone points a finger at your self-esteem or self-image, that’s a disrespectful attitude. It’s time to tweak the ball from their court and make it yours.

Helping them understand and realize their disrespectful behavior can be taken as a mere solution. But when they aren’t willing to change their behavior, try to get far away. If that is not possible try to set and maintain healthy boundaries. But above all, don’t lose yourself convincing them!


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