There’s a lot. A LOT. Being said about leaning into our divine feminine.
About softening the edges and being empathetic.
About diplomacy and virtue and politeness.
Within, and of themselves, these are not BAD traits. Per se.
It’s when they are heralded over and above their respective – and dare I say necessary – counter-energies that we find ourselves in crises.
The crises that supersedes the 22 gender categories.
The crisis that completely dismisses identifying with, IS.
It IS.
It is the very embodiment of cognitive empathy.
And it is omnipotent.
It does not rely on definitions and social recognition and a declaration of interest.
Rather, it listens to the deep wisdom of our collective consciousness.
There is a great deal spoken of our historic lineage.
The deeply embedded systems of patriarchy and subjugation of the femine.
Where I’m tripping myself up is in knowing when that inflection point occurred? Precisely?
When did we individually or collectively decide that the collective wisdom that has served the survival of the species since the inception of time has now become an outdated model?
I disagree.
It is not our models or rules of engagement of society from yonder that are wrong.
It is not the raw emotion we feel about the ongoing of living with humans and perpetually being disappointed by them.
Where we are creating such enormous pain for ourselves – and by proxy others is in our value judgement of the tasks at hand. The requirements for survival.
Our hierarchy begins with gender and notions of right and wrong.
The invitation for us is to start from servitude. From a place of deep trust that nature has always delivered from. Knowing that if one monkey on one side of the planet figures out that washing potatoes makes them more palatable. Then, by monkey 100, all monkey’s – across the world – will be washing their potatoes.
I believe that.
I believe that there is divine symmetry amongst all seemingly paradoxical energies.
If I am number 1.
Number 44.
Number 55.
Or number 1000000 in the adoption and integration of a new way of being that can only but serve the world, and the children that I have borne into it.
Then my ears, my heart and – more to the point – my mind is wide open.
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