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December 12, 2022

The Fall is Misogynistic

One day, more men (and women) will realize the truth, about the lies that humanity has been programmed with regarding the relationship between male and female.

What I call the synthetic matrix of the noheart system, that false-light layer of deception that has been pulled over the eyes of humanity by the impostors, has convinced people male and female alike, for thousands of years of the “male” personality of god, of the sun, etc.

The patriarchal deception of male superiority, can be traced back to the original fall from consciousness, the one described in the #FreedomTeachings as having happened about 570 billion years ago.

I know, it’s hard to even fathom such timeframes for our little human minds. But we carry all the history and herstory, of Creation within us. So it’s there. Under the many many layers of trauma, beneath all the programming, it’s there, we carry the libraries of Creation in our DNA.

I now understand that as I personally have been healing, and aligning my Heart to my Divinity, these true memories are coming back to me. And it is these messages, from my own Eternal Self, that I have been writing and sharing. In deed this is one of my missions in this now, to bring forth these messages, to insert them into the field that they may create resonance and activate in others.

The fallen, aka the impostors, aka the nohearts, rebelled eons ago against the Great Mother, the Krystal Heart of Creation, the Sacred Cosmic Womb of All That Is.

The fall from consciosuness is at its core mysoginistic and the birth of the tyrannical patriarchies on this and many worlds. Their modus-operandi is clear to see and identify:
– taking by force
– submission & repression
– violence & war
– fear, hate, greed, vanity
– deceit and falsehood
– divide and conquer
– no respect for life
– unholy, unnatural and evil (evil = to cause harm with intent)
– disdain for the rights of others, totalitarianism
– closed-loop parasite/vampire energy systems disconnected from Divine Source

Am I saying men are evil? No I am not. Am I saying masculinity is toxic or evil? No I am not. This is not that simple.

At this stage, men or women are equally prone to the noheart virus. And the impostors are extremely clever as to how they have gone about dividing us, to keep us in conflict with each other, so we don’t wise up and see what’s really going on.

They’ve had a long run in deed. Hinduism records the cycle of “darkness and ignorance” as kali yuga. In my not so humble opinion, that cycle ended on Dec. 21, 2012. Yes I know some say kali yuga was 432K years and still ongoing, but that 432K years measure comes from another dimension, those are not 3d years.

As of Dec. 22, 2012, we entered Sai Yuga, the Golden Age of Truth and the Great Light. Like many, I was duped into believing for many years that “something big” was going to take place in 3d on 21/12/12. And actually I do believe something big did happen, but most likely in a galaxy far far away (see article here titled 2012 and The Age of Aquarius).

Here in this 3d linear dense illusion, we have yet some time to catch up. But make no mistake, it is happening. Things are changing in many ways and on many levels. At the start of 2022 I had the following message come through, and as the year has gone by it resonates more and more each day (see article here The Age of Golden Light has Arrived)

The “god the father” program has been running for so long, and the fallen have done so much to erase our Holy Mother, the Great Goddess Queen of Heaven and All Creation from our memories, that many simply can’t align with the truth of their own Hearts. There is a massive web of deceit and lies over all systems, programmed into language, pounded into minds over and over for hundreds of thousands of years. It is not easy to unearth the truth.

It takes alot of inner healing and shadow work, it takes alot of humility and dissolving the imbalanced lower ego. It takes a monumental amount of courage and bravery to go against everthing we have been taught, and stand up and say NO, that is not right, I don’t care how many say so. Standing up to your parents, your teachers, your churches, your societies, and choosing to side with your Heart, even though everything outside is telling you, that you are wrong. Been there, done that. I stand with the Truth of my Heart no matter what.

Since I was a child, I had what some call spiritual immunity. Growing up “roman catholic” did not make this easy. I was kicked out of catequism class after telling the “father” he was lying when he said god would punish us to eternal hell if we did not obey “him”.

From a very early age I’ve had this obsession with knowing and understanding just WTF is going on here. This obsession has been like a motor that has driven me to seek answers. It wasn’t until I reached my teen years that I realized most people didn’t wonder or care about these things.

As an Indigo3 I’ve had alot on my plate for this lifetime, and I now innerstand that all the hardships and difficult situations in my life, were chosen by me to propell my Self to these uncommon levels of awareness.

Who or what is god? And why are there so many gods? Sumerian, Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Aztec, Mayan, Toltec, Hindu, and the list goes on and on. So many beings with the title of god. It’s no wonder there is so much confusion. Is there just one god or are there many? If the word god brings you an image of a white male with a beard in a cloud with JC by his side, I’m afraid you are running on outdated software.

Humanizing god (made in his image) has been a part of the fallen agenda to control and enslave life on this planet. The fallen are in most cases the gods of our histories. Like in the movie Jupiter Rising, they believe they own this planet, and all of us. HA! They are delusional of course, they are the nohearts, they are disconnected from Divine Source, and are both masters and slaves to their own lies. They are blind on many levels, and are utterly incapable of seeing or realizing the tsunami bearing down on them from the Holy Realms.

Divine Will is “just a little” more power full than they are. Divine Will is like the Sahara, to their single grain of sand. Perspective is everything, and they have a very skewered vision.
All That Is, is everything, even their unnatural constructs. All That Is, is all there is. You cannot outsmart the Supreme Consciousness that IS. You cannot defeat Divine Love. But they have convinced themselves they can. HA! Are they in for a surprise.

I don’t even like using the word god, that’s why I try to use different language. In this hologram, everything is code, all words and images are codes. The word god is charged with so much negative energy and conflict, death and war, and so many nasty vibes, not to mention that it’s dog spelled backwards, and we all know which group likes backwards writing. Not only that, the origin of the word god can be traced back to a guy named Odin. In Spanish the word dios comes from the latin deus, which comes from zeus, one of the impostors! Killed his dad and raped anything that moved!

New language overwrites old codes.
~ All That Is ~
~ The Supreme Consciousness That Is ~
~ The Holy and Divine Source of All Creation ~

I was guided to come up with a new name, my own personal private name for all of the above, my personal and unique code to connect to the real, all-mighty, omnipresent, omniscient, the one and only true god. And I recommend you do too. Start encoding your own connection that is free from centuries of bad vibes.

All That Is, is neither male nor female. Cannot be defined in human terms of gender. Is both and none and beyond either. All That Is is Androgynous Unity Consciousness, you know, Law of One.

All That Is, existed as pure unmanifested potential energy, for a “long time”. No one knows really, because no one existed, and neither did time. All was eternal, perpetual stillness and silence.

Eventually there was a stirring deep within and without this everything that was nothing, yet. The stirring was vibration, a thought, a desire, to know its Self deeper, to manifest the full potential. Once it started, there was no going back, the vibration began ondulating, like an electromagnetic pulse of energy that eventually made a sound, and as it pulsed more and more the sound waves that had started as a low hum, became increasingly higher pitched until the first movement manifested.

All That Is had birthed the first manifestation of its Self. And so the Heart of Creation was manifested, and time was born. The Heart of Creation was also Androgynous Unity Conciousness, the Heart of Creation and All That Is, are One and the Same. One manifested, the other unmanifested, like all Creation, the Heart of Creation was also part of All That Is, but now as the first BEing created, as the original reflection of All That Is, it was the first EYE, the first I, like all BEings created since, it was gifted an indivi-dualized awareness of its Self, to know itself and its Source as one and the same.

What followed, before any more creation took place, is without a doubt the greatest love story in Creation. There was a pause, a sacred pause. For the first time, All That Is was able to observe itself, not just BE, it could now DO. They were both ecstatic and overjoyed at each others existence, and wondered why they hadn’t done this sooner, instantly bursting in laughter at the thought since “sooner” had not existed before and neither had “they”. So many new thoughts and experiences, and the energy built up with each one. They dreamed, they danced, they made music, they made love, or rather dreams, music, dance and love were created from the friction of their interactions. And again the pulsating energy grew and grew, until it reached climax, and that Divine and Holy 1st Orgasm, birthed the second movement.
The second movement birthed the Holy Couple, this is where divine polarity or gender is from, not as opposing forces, but rather as complimentary halves of one whole.

From the Androgynous Unity Consciousness of the Heart of Creation and its Divine Source, two aspects or energetic currents were distilled which would be embodied in the rest of BEings created:
Mother/Female Energy: Heart, Love, Matter, Magnetic
Father/Male Energy: Head, Light, Spirit, Electric

These two energetic “currents” or aspects of Creation, were never designed to act alone, separate from the other, they are halves of one unified whole.

0 All That Is = Realm of The Absolute
1 Heart of Creation = Krystall Doorway
2-♾️ Rest of Creation = Realm of The Relative

After the second movement, life expanded into many layers of consciouness and matter. For eons life in all realms was in a state of bliss in perfect balance and harmony.
Eventually, there was a Queendom, and in that world there was a young Prince, a truly great Light, who was destined to be King one day. But this young prince slowly and silently developed jealousy of his sisters, and his Mother, as the Queendoms were organized as matriarchal societies, and there were certain things only the women could do, that he did not understand. He was too young yet to realize that there we also things only men could do, and that each had equally important roles to play. The jealousy grew and made his heart cold. He started to resent heart.

This eventually led to the fall. He rebelled against his Heart, and his family. He cried out “I will not be king, I am the great light, I do not need heart, I am god” and he talked many into following him into a heartless universe of his creation. This is the time when meaning was lost, and the beginning of the fall from consciousness we are still trying to rise from.

The head, disconnected from Heart. The egomind, acting alone, triggered by lower emotions, w/o the benefit of Love.

Pure male/head/ego energy, disconnected from its counterpart the heart. That is the fall, that is the false light, that is what the impostors are, the noheart synthetic matrix.

Love + Intention + Action = Holy Creation
Intention + Action = Unholy Creation

Simple as that. Love is everything. Without love, life is not worth living.

Falling for a little while, to temporarily experience unlove, could provide some valuable lessons. But not rising? I just don’t get it (see article here Falling is OK, not Rising is Not)

Being an empath in a world of unlove is no easy task. Last May after yet another school shooting I was moved off center quite a bit, questioning why all this noheart bs is even allowed. So I went into meditation to seek solace and center and this is what came from that seeking (see article here A New Conversation with God)

May we all re-member and re-unite with our own Divinity and Eternal Self, for the highest good of all life and all life forms in all Creation. May we all re-wire ourselves to live from Heart, and place our mind/head in the altar of Heart, as the instrument of Love it was designed to be.

~ In La’ak E’ch Ha’La K’in ~ I am another You, what I do to You I do to my Self ~

#Oneness #UnityConsciousness #WeAREallONE #LOVEtoALL #ALLisONE #ONEisALL #ALLisLOVE

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