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March 14, 2023

Praying for True L☮️♥️E

Dear God,

I want a man that appreciates me and also protects me and my child. A man to marry and become one with-a team. A man that loves me and my son unconditionally.

I’m praying for a man that won’t trick me. A man that won’t hurt me. A man that takes care of his head. A man that can be vulnerable with me. A man who does not feel big only when he makes me feel small. A man who won’t punish me for allowing  him to hurt me when all I do is love him. Forgive him. A man that won’t hurt me for fun. A man that won’t hurt me more for telling him he hurt me, us…

I am praying for a man that wants to be happy with me, because I deserve it, not because he likes how I make him feel. I want to be held and loved-not only give love and joy, but get it back.

I want a man who wants to love me. A man who wants to make me laugh and not cry. I want to be healthy and stable in love. I want love that won’t leave.


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