I met an angel in San Miguel and have been wanting to tell you about it.
As I am rewinding into my innocence and embodying my avatar of The Heart Ninja I am vibrating at my core essential essence which is drawing in other angels to me.
A month ago I was sitting on a park bench heartbroken and so scared.
I had just found out a day before that a love of mine was on a ventilator after being hit by a car on his scooter. (He made it- and is getting better Thank God.)
I felt helpless, not being there with him in person, but also not being able to change the situation. This is one of the reasons I came back to California.
To the left of me was a man named Paco. We started connecting, commencing with small talk.
And then, I courageously opened my heART.
Sharing the truth of my sorrow, my helplessness, my yearning.
He met me with the sweetest empathy. Pure liquid golden heART honey.
He started opening up about his courageous move to come down to San Miguel to make amends to a family member which reunited his love affair with the city and inspired his dreams to create his second home.
It opened up a powerful conversation that had me share intimately about my life. Losing my former relationship, my struggles around claiming my authenticity and healing my abandonment wounds.
He looked at me, “I get it. I am gay and have had my own ideas, belief systems, shame, and struggles that have gotten in the way of my own peace.
I felt shocked, “Who is this incredible angel? Wow!!”
It gets better…..
Sitting next to us was a Mother with her 1.5 year old child. He was bawling his little eyes out.
I immediately said to him “Would you like to find somewhere quieter for us to connect?”
He stopped. He turned toward that little boy. He gazed into eyes and breathed deeply softly penetrating love into his being.
I thought to myself, “omg this angel, he is a healer!!!!”
He whispered in that little babes eyes, “Soy aqui, Te quiero.” ( I am here. I love you.)
The baby stopped crying. Three minutes later he was running around, giggling and playing a little hide and seek with us. (Children are our greatest teachers of love, magic, connection, and pleasure.)
We got up from that bench and started walking. “Holy sh*t Paco that was incredible!”
He looked at me and said, “I was looking at myself and imagining what I would want to hear.”
I started crying tears of love.
Thank you Paco for changing my life, and also being so supportive to me and my love that was in the hospital. For lighting candles for me, for him, for his family.
For your deep passionate heART that spreads LOVE and LIGHT wherever you go.
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