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May 26, 2023

A Daily Dialogue on Death

As human animals, we are conscious and aware. And one thing that should unite us all is our own mortality. This is one thing we all have in common regardless of our individual physical characteristics, mental perspectives, or spiritual paths.

This is a beautiful thing and I think that it should be recognized more often. I mean, how simple, yet profound, is this fact?

Now more than ever people seem to be living in segmented groups. Separation is almost embraced. Whether through politics or theology, humanity is becoming separated continually. This is a problem when you look at this thing called life in its holistic sense.

We are all individuals to the greater whole. Therefore, we are all connected – regardless of your creed and faith views. And one thing that we can shed light on this connection is our shared mortality.

It’s interesting that death is considered a taboo topic in our daily dialogue. It’s an aspect of life that we seem to shy away from. It’s seen as morbid.

I believe that adding more discussion around our mortality on a consistent basis can have a significant impact on society and humanity as a whole. This conversation topic alone can help to reverse the growth of separation and to unify us humans.

Some things that will happen once we open up this dialogue:

  1. Compassion for one another.
  2. Letting go of unnecessary judgment.
  3. Lending a hand to those in need (or just being of service regardless.)
  4. Respecting other viewpoints and thoughts.
  5. Working together instead of against each other.

These are just a few positive outcomes that can occur when we open up our dialogue to our own mortality with one another. We can unite as a species and create a more loving and positive environment by sharing our commonalities- such as our physical death.

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