April 2, 2016

A Love Letter to my Bike. {Video}


I ride a bike to feel the wind in my face, the sun on my skin and to connect with nature and community.

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve loved the feeling of riding on two wheels. It meant endless fun and it allowed me to explore beyond the confines of my neighborhood. I’ve been hooked on bikes ever since my training wheels came off many years ago.


Fast forward to today. I’ve never owned a car, and I ride my bike for exercise, for fun and to commute around town.

As you can see, not much has changed since I was eight years old. Well, maybe the biggest change is that I now use my bike to explore the world on thousand-mile adventures.

Watch my short video below and you’ll see loads of lovely people and beautiful sights from all around the world.


Author: Ryan Van Duzer

Editor: Caitlin Oriel

Photos: Authors’ Own

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