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Planet Earth Recently Downloads of Universe Energy Frequencies to End an Era of War and Start an Era of Love

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June 21, 2018
New Beings New Beginnings
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There is a massive change occurring in the world right now in the Energy Frequency Vibration of our planet. From time to time Planet Earth has been thought massive shifts. Never before in history or time has Planet Earth had as many resources to make good decisions and take advantage of the tremendous amount of knowledge available to make good decisions. By good decisions, I mean act with compassion. End an Era of War and start an Era of Love.  That’s crucial for the continuance of our species.

Imagine trillions and trillions of cells in one single human body. Everyone single one made of a perfect proton. There are trillions of microscopic particles of the cosmos inside of every human being. They all are born to love. Human beings attract these frequencies based on the signals they send out. Think of a satellite sending signals to the universe. Every single one of these cells is pulsing and the human heart sends the pulse to the universe based on the feelings that generates.

“Neurons are born and reborn millions of times in the physical and extra physical planes,” said Francisco Xavier in 1958.In 2002 neuroscientist Dr. Fred Gage, PhD, brought to light evidence that neurons are born and reborn in adults and aging beings.

Since 1987, Planet Earth has started to enter the ring of Alcyon’s energetic field, in the Pleiades constellation, known since ancient times as the universe’s headquarters. These very small particles of electromagnetic energy produce alterations in the solar system and they travel in space and time at the speed of light all the way back to Earth. It’s like a dance of the stars and human beings connected by this invisible web of electric magnetic energy. These photons have the power to create any matter.

We are over 30 years from the initial downloads. We can see how much progress in technology has been made since the first year of the beginning of the New Energy Frequency Attunement of Planet Earth. On December 9, 1987, Microsoft Windows 2.0 operating system was launched. On Sep 15, 1997, the domain Google was registered. On January 9, 2007, the first iPhone was introduced to the world. In March 2017, blockchain startups, research groups, and Fortune 500 companies created the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA).

We have been blessed with scientific advancement that benefits billions of people globally. None of the previous generations have the opportunity we have now. Still, we treat people like disposable things. Just take a look around a big city, do people seem happy? How does the energy feel? We have great internet connection in any big city and poor connection with the universe. Spirituality is a luxury because no one has time; it’s totally free but time is the biggest asset for everyone. How are we using our voices to empower or disempower others? We have the freedom to choose. It feels like the universe is playing a game with us now. Photons and photos, likes and dislikes, Ethereum body and Ethereum Currency. We have been blessed with freedom of choice to use technology both for the light or the dark sides. Every decision we make counts and sends signals to the universe. The intention of every action, inaction, and reaction by thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Photons and photos, likes and dislikes, Ethereum body and Ethereum Currency. We have been blessed with freedom of choice to use technology both for the light or the dark sides. Every decision we make counts and sends signals to the universe. The intention of every action, inaction, and reaction by thoughts, feelings, and behaviors replicates in the universal matter ecosystem. These intentions affect both the individual level and the collective level. The heartbeat is the universe’s lie detector that affects individually just a few trillions of cells that connect into ecosystems of similar people’s energy frequency vibrations.

What can we do to have a better satellite signal and attract higher levels of energy vibration frequency?

Belief: Believe in God, believe in yourself, and respect other’s beliefs. No need to agree with everyone just respect everyone as equal.
Integrity: We must be honest with the inside and outside worlds. That’s a decision people make to act in a way that is fair or not fair.
Intention: Intention to do the right things and acceptance of the results. Own your actions as opposed to blame others.
Progress: We must evolve, learn, and invest time to enrich the soul. Otherwise, people repeat.
Forgiveness: God is so generous to keep giving everyone second chances. Who are we to deny that to others?
Gratitude: When we say thank you, we say I love you. It’s appreciation language and that’s the universal love language.
Compassion and Non-Judgment: It seems like the norm now is to like or dislike in a half-second. That’s against our nature, as we are born entitled to experience love and happiness. Each individual trillions of cells hits dislike too. People get back what is sent out. The ideal world we would seek peace, harmony, and constructive feedback.

The destruction of the planet is a reflection of our society. Basically, the internet gave us the power the universe already had for millenniums to test how humans would behave in the millennial age. Just like everything else, life has two sides. The technology world has its light and dark sides. Most of us can make a decision to use that for productive actions, neutral actions, or destructive actions. People can probably do all of three and not even have the awareness of the consequences. We must awaken for the New Beings Era. We still have time to prioritize the riches of the soul.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” — Mahatma Gandhi

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